Example sentences of "time [coord] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd met Sean Penn maybe 20 times , and they went to the same clubs on Melrose and Sunset , even if not at the same time or on the same night .
2 If you attempt to pass the SPR on for the seventh time or to the same user twice , LIFESPAN will display an error message and you will not be allowed to pass it on .
3 There is general dissatisfaction with direct debits being charged at the wrong time or from the wrong account and so-called ‘ phantom withdrawals ’ from ATMs .
4 Did they receive similar care at the same time or in the same order ?
5 For whose benefit do a number of clients receive care either at the same time or in the same order ?
6 Naturally , this gas is never needed in the same quantities , at the same time or in the same areas .
7 Burrow systems can be very complicated and some rabbits may never be cornered since they are able to move round and round the burrow systems — staying ahead of the ferret all the time and without the slightest inclination or pressure to leave the burrow .
8 Weigh at the same time and under the same conditions each day .
9 The ban was imposed by Minister of Home Affairs William Craig after the Apprentice Boys of Derry had announced a procession at the same time and over the same route as the civil rights march .
10 However , others in the industry are concerned about ‘ cowboy ’ companies dabbling in biotechnology for the first time and about the commercial offshoots of universities which are scaling up laboratory experiments — often on shoestring budgets .
11 Some excursions will be available through Coastal and Country , day time and for the major evening performances , Keith Harrison of Egton is available for small groups .
12 Documentary checks might be supplemented with results of site inspections to discover whether equipment was stored solely on site , whether it had been incorporated into the works , whether stage payments had been made on time and for the agreed amount .
13 A structure as I 've said previously will give us the vital time and for the detailed discussions and consultations we need if we are to build the trust for the merger we all wish to see .
14 The arguments centred on scheduling , with Serbia and Montenegro insisting that referendums should take place in each republic at the same time and with the same questions , Croatia announcing that it had already scheduled its referendum for May 19 , Macedonia asking for a postponement of the deadline to mid-June , and Bosnia-Hercegovina suggesting that the referendum should take place in two stages .
15 Success in exporting is largely based on good quality products delivered on time and at the right price .
16 Success in exporting is largely based on good quality products delivered on time and at the right price .
17 We need to ensure that our white collar members have the help and the support and the advice available to them , but that help and that advice needs to be at the right time and at the right place .
18 the task is absolutely vital and only you can be sure that it will be done in time and to the required standards
19 Several other firms emerged at the same time and by the same process , such as Lamalie Associates in 1967 from Booz , Allen & Hamilton , and Ward Howell and Canny Bowen , in 1951 and 1954 respectively , from McKinsey .
20 Skill is one of the most important elements in the champion 's make-up , because if he ca n't perform the right technique at the right time and in the right way , he will never make it to the winner 's rostrum .
21 Local staff or voluntary workers can not be expected to have the resources , time or experience to ensure that telecommunications , backdrop , crowd flow , music , lighting and camera positions are available at the right time and in the right way .
22 The reason they were picked ( aside from those who are here by right of birth ) is that a small portion of their total brain power was visibly alight at the right time and in the right place .
23 On the other hand , public relations is often looked down on by the media as messengers with stories that hold no interest and which will be presented in the wrong way at the wrong time and in the wrong situation .
24 The original objective was to liberate South Korea , it then began to unite Korea but if you raise the objective to an assault on China proper then , then you would have to quote General Ridgeway , who was a commander on the spot , er you 'd be fighting the wrong war , the wrong time and in the wrong place .
25 The original objective was to liberate South Korea , it then began to unite Korea but if you raise the objective to an assault on China proper then , then you would have to quote General Ridgeway , who was a commander on the spot , er you 'd be fighting the wrong war , the wrong time and in the wrong place .
26 That morning Wycliffe had heard of the Glynn family for the first time and in the few hours since he had learned something about them ; about Gerald , Gina and Barry , about Christine and Aunt Sara , and about the uncles , Alfred and Maurice .
27 It can only be confusing to a pupil if features of dialect are ‘ corrected ’ at the same time and in the same way as , for example , spelling errors .
28 mass forms of musical practice which are based on the musical activity of many people interacting at the same time and in the same way — forms which structure bodily movements and processes , and which enable bodily experience to become an aesthetically mediated pleasure ( ibid : 228 ) .
29 refusing the help of family members and others who prepare " special " meals but having the same meals at the same time and in the same place as everyone else .
30 New actors need to try and widen their range all the time and in the same breath find a way of being commercially as well as artistically viable .
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