Example sentences of "time [pers pn] had [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And they started that and they were sent out to this big villa and er that was the first time I had seen a continental headboard and er we could n't understand what it was you know .
2 The last time I had seen a white rose had been in that filthy room in the Tower .
3 This time I had to take a double dose to return to my old shape .
4 It was the first time I had taken a close look at him .
5 For some time she had felt a curious weightiness , then sudden relief .
6 Their 4-1 defeat by Australia here last year was the first time they had lost a one-day series at home .
7 In 1923 he was hired personally by John ( later first Baron ) Reith [ q.v. ] as chief engineer of the recently formed British Broadcasting Company , staying in the post until 1929 , by which time it had become a public corporation , fully in charge of the ‘ spreading of the service ’ , and converting his own idea of a ‘ regional plan ’ for radio transmission into a reality .
8 A great wave of Greek influence in Rome began in the mid-second century BC with the conquest of Greece , and lasted well into the first century , by which time it had become a well-established fashion for young men of well-to-do families to complete their education in Athens .
9 His revised version of the concerto was composed in 1917 , by which time he had achieved an international reputation both as composer and virtuoso pianist .
10 By this time he had become an enduring institution .
11 By the time he had developed a strong 40-minute routine , he was invited to do a solo spot on Channel 4 's Friday Night Live .
12 After a career in the British army , during which time he had done a great deal of fieldwork and excavation , and had amassed a collection of artefacts from all over the world , he spent the rest of his life studying and excavating archaeological sites on his estate .
13 At one time he had intended a whole chapter of The Complete History of Wimbledon to be devoted to the issue of Maltby , but somehow the chapter had never materialized .
14 By the time Johnny moved back to Brighton he had spent over 20 years at Selhurst Park and during that time he had made an invaluable contribution to Palace 's progress both on and off the field , for which he will long be remembered with gratitude .
15 Mr Blackman hesitated , and by the time he had formed a limited partnership to launch his schismatic fair , the would-be faithful had signed on with CIAE 's crosstown competition , David and Lee Ann Lester 's three-year-old Art Chicago International .
16 Each time he had given a little shrug , as though to say , ‘ We 'll see ’ , and left it at that .
17 It was the first time he had taken a real look at the premises from the back .
18 At one time he had taken a mild interest in literature , especially erotic works , but of late it had flagged .
19 By this time he had published a major treatise on violin technique , and had fathered seven children , of whom only two , a daughter and a son , survived .
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