Example sentences of "him with [art] [adj] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 He looked as though a cannonball had hit him amidships and left him with a hollow chest and a permanent arch in his back .
2 The past becomes present to him with a total immediacy and a complete conviction which he says intellectual memory could never achieve .
3 KEVIN Gallacher accused Norwich 's Chris Sutton of upending him with a professional foul and blasted : ‘ I 've seen people sent off for less . ’
4 The gates shut behind him with a dull thud and the sound of the wind died away .
5 The editor , I am also relieved to see , seems to have got out his 1992 book in advance of the election , without detriment to his political responsibilities since the burghers of Harwich elected him with a massive majority and a three per cent swing in his favour .
6 Despite his artistic pretensions , he was apprenticed to a local steel mill , where two accidents left him with a permanent limp and the loss of three fingers of one hand .
7 Refreshed by a nimble in-flight claret , they serenaded him with a special song and behaved , generally , like the lower fourth on a trip to Whipsnade .
8 When Auntie Jean slammed Uncle Ted 's tea on the table at the end of each day — a meat pie and chips , or a nice bit of rump steak and tartar sauce ( he had n't the nerve yet to go vegetarian ) — she sat opposite him with a stiff drink and demanded facts about Eva and Dad .
9 When Corbett reached the bottom , a gaoler in dirty leather jerkin , leggings and boots , greeted him with a world-weary look and removed his cloak , belt and dagger .
10 From then on the pretty servant girls eyed him with a lustrous regret and redoubled their attentions .
11 The boy stood looking round him with a wary face and large , intent eyes .
12 The world is not altogether reformed by cheap tours , nor is the inherent vulgarity of the British Philistine going to be eradicated by sending him with a through ticket and a bundle of hotel coupons to Egypt and the Holy Land …
13 It identifies him with the Norman cause and the Norman heir , which becomes a threat if Duke William is successful .
14 This last characteristic is of central importance : this , above all else , is what associates him with the earlier philhellenes and their quest for wholeness , and sets him against his own scholarly profession .
15 The tragic hero appears before him with an epic clarity and beauty , and yet he rejoices at the hero 's annihilation .
16 They parted at dawn but when he approached her later the same morning she froze him with an icy gaze and said , ‘ In the circle in which I move , sleeping with a man does not constitute an introduction . ’
17 To mark the occasion , the company presented him with an engraved watch and from his colleagues and friends he was given a number generous gifts , including an envelope containing £100 from the Axminster Darners , a magnum of sherry , a shirt and a birthday cake .
18 The appointment , held until 1670 , associated him with an energetic department and Duncombe here acquired a modest reputation for administrative skills .
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