Example sentences of "him of the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Duncan had asked , when Myeloski told him of the strange situation in which they had found Leeming .
2 By the time Adam and Billie were drinking their coffees , the contact had interrupted Kragan at a training meeting and told him of the two foreigners in the Bellevue Hotel who were enquiring about the Dresden Heide .
3 A working ormolu and bronze lion mantel clock — Louis Quinze , he could almost hear his wife Carole exclaiming — reminded him of the relentless passage of time .
4 Despite the much vaunted heating and ventilating system of the new police headquarters the windows of Wycliffe 's office were almost obscured by condensation and the air had a clammy warmth which reminded him of the tropical house at Kew .
5 They reminded him of the ignominious episode of the oath-taking , and pointed out that Rodrigo now had a personal ‘ army ’ almost as large as the King 's .
6 The distinctive moods of the rich and various landscapes which crowded near to Stowey were becoming for Coleridge almost a reflex of his own moods and thoughts — the broad uplands of the Quantock Hills a counterpoint to the speculative power of a mind ‘ habituated to the vast ’ , the lowland villages an expression for him of the loving companionship of friends and family , the hidden dell , where the voice of nature sounded in the waterfall , a retreat by turns comforting and mysterious to serve his recurrent longing for escape .
7 Taylor was upset with Platt before the Turkey game for not informing him of the serious nature of the injury but the player surprised him by playing at Wembley with his usual effectiveness .
8 THE Vendor is seized of the property hereinafter described for an estate in fee simple in possession free from encumbrances save as hereinafter mentioned and has agreed with the Purchaser for the sale to him of the said property for a like estate at the price of five thousand pounds
9 ‘ Mortmain' , or dead hand , refers to the fact that the church was an undying institution so that any land which it held in fee ( or freehold ) was never vacated by the death of its owner or came into the possession of a minor or an heiress ; thus it would never revert ( or escheat ) to the chief lord for the duration of the vacancy or minority , so depriving him of the valuable rights of wardship and marriage appertaining to feudal tenure .
10 ‘ Who knows about this ? ’ he asked when Kelly haltingly told him of the latest threat to her .
11 Both would involve payment to him of the same sum of money .
12 She thought for a moment , then decided to tell him of the little house in Washington where she and Mama had lived before Mama married Papa — She wondered briefly what Dr Neil would have made of that story .
13 It reminded him of the big shots in the trade union movement having sandwiches at Number 10 all those years ago .
14 After a three-hour retirement , the jury acquitted the appellant of the offence charged under section 18 , but convicted him of the lesser offence under section 20 .
15 He had told him of the English girl on that first day when he had asked for the loan of the flat and permission for Constance to telephone from his palazzo .
16 It would be to let one maxim remind him of the treacherous limits of his information and the other of unconsidered consequences of delay , and try to fill both gaps in his awareness before letting himself be moved in one direction or the other .
17 In 1935 Louis Aragon proudly proclaimed to the world that his encounter with communism and the revolutionary society of the Soviet Union had transformed him into an entirely new man , had rejuvenated him , re-educated him , and in the process cured him of the social disease of his bourgeois class origins .
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