Example sentences of "him by [art] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But halfway through the somersault she caught him by an ankle and held him dangling upside-down like a plucked chicken in a shop-window .
2 To Finlayson 's surprise , he took him by the elbow and steered him , quite gently , to the door .
3 Graham started to smile , though he thought the joke itself might be in rather poor taste , but then he was aware of Sara turning quickly , putting her glass on the mantelpiece and looking straight at him , coming closer , her face set in strange hard lines , eyes bright , taking him by the elbow and turning her head as if to emphasise that she was talking to Graham , ignoring Slater , saying , " You do dance , do n't you ? "
4 If you are at all normal , you bypass the urge to throttle him , or to shake him by the head and shout : ‘ What 's that got to do with anything ? ’ , and find yourself nodding in agreement as if he has just proved something .
5 Mahmoud reached forward , took him by the head and turned his face back towards him .
6 Any reasonable expenses incurred by the person who gave notice have to be made good to him by the company and recouped by the company out of any fees or other emoluments of the directors in default .
7 She got hold of him by the hair and dragged him to the police station , ’ he said .
8 A hand seized him by the hair and yanked his head back .
9 Sweetheart smiled and released Frankie into the care of the other man , who gripped him by the shoulder and looked terribly stern .
10 Farrell grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him towards a closed door leading off the hallway .
11 A hand took him by the shoulder and shook him awake , and he started up with a cry , for a moment not knowing where he was or what was happening to him .
12 Love reaching out to him took him by the heart and wrung him .
13 He felt as if Simon were lifting him by the collar and dangling him so that his feet were off the earth and his toes straining to reach something .
14 All the while the cameraman is walking backwards the assistant cameraman walks behind him , holding him by the waist and steering him round children 's bicycles and feed-troughs .
15 He seized him by the waist and threw him bodily over the balustrade .
16 Taking his curtain calls after a successful speech , he drew her to him by the hand and entwined his arms with hers until she gently shook him off , whereupon he enjoyed his triumph for a while manfully alone , until he again resorted to his wife Glenys , going to fetch her , leading her again by the hand , and holding her by the waist .
17 Before , he had always been rather frightening but now he looked pathetic with his tear-stained cheeks , grieving eyes and red gaping mouth which could only make gurgling sounds as Benjamin took him by the hand and tried to convey his condolences .
18 Rose went scuttling off to intercept Dieter ; she grabbed him by the hand and drew him towards the tea-table , her bird-like voice rising above the general chatter as she told him what had happened .
19 Seeing that Owen was having difficulties in getting used to the idea , she took him by the hand and pulled him down beside her on the divan .
20 But when he made his appearance in the members ’ bar a few hours later , there were others happy to shake him by the hand and talk with him far into the night .
21 Tommy took him by the arm and led him to the chair .
22 She took him by the arm and led him unresistingly into the house .
23 Gebrec returned from putting the bus away and Bonard took him by the arm and led him to the terrace .
24 When the boy gave no answer , the old man took him by the arm and propelled him to the far end of the room , down the narrow stairway , through the tiny door and back to the safety of his own bedroom .
25 Ward 's left hand shot out , grabbing him by the arm and dragging him past me .
26 When Gebrec approached , he took him by the arm and murmured something which Melissa took to be a mild reproof .
27 Doctor McCann grabbed him by the arm and held him .
28 He went to where he 'd seen him by the fence and looked down towards the woodpile .
29 and this guy got him by the throat and pinned him to the wall and said Billy shut up !
30 Suddenly , to the Collector 's astonishment , the Padre gripped him by the throat and shouted : " A matter of opinion !
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