Example sentences of "him [coord] [pers pn] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Be sure that you spell out specific words and deeds : if a teenager complains about a younger sibling , ask him or her to take the child on an outing .
2 Absence for seven years , coupled with the fact that a petitioner has no reason to believe that his or her spouse is alive , will enable him or her to ask the court to make a declaration that death is presumed and that the marriage is dissolved .
3 The hard graft may be persuading him or her to do the job .
4 Whilst there may still be a feeling that a High Court writ will have a greater threatening effect on a recalcitrant defendant than a county court summons , inducing him or her to settle the claim , the changes to the costs rules , and the harmonisation of remedies , will lessen the attractiveness of such action .
5 By fighting back only when the bully attacks you , you are allowing him or her to pick the time and the place that suits them ; it may be a good idea to reverse the roles .
6 A warning should be sounded that a candidate whose work experience has not equipped him or her to handle the case study paper is unlikely to pass it on the strength of a little practice and revision course .
7 If this is indeed the respondent 's belief , we want him or her to advance the idea spontaneously , so we might have : ‘ Had you any difficulty in making the choice of subjects that you study ? ’ ;
8 Public law remedies will enable him or her to establish the illegality of the order ; but , unless the applicant can take advantage of some statutory provision for compensation , he or she will have to establish an entitlement to damages in private law if the damage is to be made good by monetary compensation .
9 If a man engages skilled advisors to act for him and they mistake the time limit and present it too late he is out .
10 I told him and we reached the CHAB studios with only a few moments to settle Mr Murray before the microphone and be ready for the red light signifying we were ‘ on the air ’ .
11 ‘ Get on with it , Ruthie , ’ he told her , and though he was grinning from ear to ear she knew what was powering him and she felt the excitement blossom in herself .
12 She had tripped him and she enjoyed the feeling , but she must not be triumphant .
13 I mean , if she had a marriage with him and she had the relationship and now you 're a good friend to him , and you 're a friend to her , she 's probably very jealous of the fact that you 're
14 Her face was straight as she looked at him and she spoke the truth when she answered , ‘ I liked it at first ; it was like a holiday after school , but not so of late . ’
15 There was a bass player in the orchestra who knew him and he told the orchestra , ‘ Toscanini is coming to conduct .
16 He recognized her at once because Gabriel had pointed her out to him and he thought the boy must be young Hilaire .
17 The dog bounded up to him and he took the stick out of the dog 's mouth .
18 At first he could not see anything , but then someone pushed a lighted torch in front of him and he caught the gleam of the bluish-grey metal inside .
19 When he got within twenty yards of her , something spooked him and he gunned the hog , speeding past her .
20 She moved towards him and he patted the boy on the shoulder as he rose to his feet .
21 Newcastle will bid to keep him but they need the cash and the 22-goal schemer is their most saleable asset .
22 Newcastle will bid to keep him but they need the cash and the 22-goal schemer is their most saleable asset .
23 I tried to run past him but he grabbed the collar of my coat .
24 I 'm sure he would n't have liked the way we communally beheaded him but it did the job .
25 I used to love him but I hated the way he done that to my hair .
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