Example sentences of "then [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Initially the road winds through woodlands of birch and alder and hazel and oak uncharacteristic of the harsh Sutherland terrain and alongside a dancing beck ; it then crosses an open moor between the buttresses of Quinag and the waters of Loch Cairnbawn .
2 This then has a knock-on effect on interest rates throughout the economy .
3 ‘ It is rather like copying the squirrel who collects nuts all through the summer when he can and then has a good store for the lean winter months . ’
4 A girl of 13 is wooed by a 47-year-old man and then has a physical relationship with him .
5 Either a whole form is completed by a single coder who then has an overall picture of the response and may thus spot inconsistencies , or each coder concentrates on all responses to a particular question , thus developing considerable skill at that particular task .
6 To separate the proteins , one makes a small rectangular slab of inert jelly ( called a gel ) , from starch or acrylamide , puts a drop of a solution containing the protein mix at one end , then passes an electric current across the gel .
7 It then takes a major blow to fracture it .
8 He rises slowly , but then delivers a fierce tirade of Which any Sergeant Major would be proud .
9 The experimenter then puts a predatory species of fish , such as the pike , into each tank .
10 These return the parts — amended if they see fit ( and they often do , very substantially ) — to the full committee , which then recommends a revised budget to the house .
11 Then follows a long descent along a forest avenue to Loch Maree .
12 Then follows a fascinating history of dieting and a scathing analysis of contemporary diet aids .
13 The intersection of the appropriate output characteristic with the output load line then gives a good approximation to which in turn leads to a better value of from the input characteristics and input load line .
14 A glance down the left-hand margin then gives a quick summary of the work noted on that page .
15 With your preparation and your prospecting complete it then becomes a simple matter of erecting the net in the right place on the night .
16 This then becomes a classic case of conflict resolution ( see Conflict on page 35 ) .
17 If we ignore , momentarily , the " " murie wordes of the Hoost to the Shipman " " at the end of the tale , and assume that the narrator of the tale is a woman — it really does not matter who she is — the narrator then becomes a close parallel to the wife within the tale : a wordsmith ; a user of language who combines the sordid matere of carnal indulgence with a gilded linguistic cover .
18 And that entire pool of knowledge then becomes a single resource on which we can draw in solving our problems .
19 Recognizing that , when several agencies have a finger in the pie of , say , biotechnology , it is prudent that there should be a committee to coordinate their spending , the committee 's budget then becomes an identifiable object in itself , to be judged against what may be called ‘ results ’ .
20 Many people have employed a variety of mouse and rat poisons without stopping to think that the initial effect of such toxins is to slow down the victim which then becomes an easy target for a hunting cat .
21 Play with objects , which retain a physical similarity between sign and signified , or where some concrete form may be used to represent the distant other , then becomes an essential prerequisite for the development of the symbolic faculty found in language .
22 In a theoretical treatment Woods ( 1982 ) divides migration theory into the attitudes and behaviour of both individuals and groups , and then proposes a three-fold structure for integrating theories of migration : First , the theories must have the ability to understand the ways in which individuals form images of their worlds , how they assess those images and then decide whether to migrate or not .
23 The database then brings an ascending list of basic percentage maximum loans to the screen , each of which can be viewed in more detail .
24 The road continues south , climbing over a rise with a good retrospective view of the full length of Kingsdale and then makes a long descent to Thornton in Lonsdale after a branch turns off to the right for the A65 at Westhouse .
25 Determination of the width , or second moment , of an n.m.r. resonance line , then provides a sensitive measure of low frequency internal motions in solid polymers and can be used to study transitions and segmental rotations in the polymer sample .
26 Marie Murphy then provides a musical interlude with her essay ‘ Down To The Woods ’ , in which she takes a look at the career of that great Ulster songwriter , the late Jimmy Kennedy .
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