Example sentences of "then [vb past] [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was an Argentine sailing ship in the river and the sailors came ashore , and then made their way to a dance-hall in Great George Street , where our Liverpool lads were foxtrotting and waltzing .
2 When Jessamy reached the house she collected her painting materials , rough sketches and a couple of books she thought she might need , then made her way to the drawing-room where she was going to work .
3 ‘ I 'll check that there are towels in the room , ’ she said , then made her way along the passage .
4 She used her pit-pass to gain entry , then made her way towards the motor home Ace used .
5 He told the terrified girl he had a knife , then made her walk down a river footpath , across a bridge and into an alley .
6 We then made our way to the Gulf Air desk for first class passengers .
7 The Colonel then made his rounds of the southern parties while Bill Copland , landing from the destroyer , visited those to the north .
8 He looked around , then made his way to the lavatory .
9 The storm was increasing in fury as he turned left towards the car park , beyond any houses , then made his way to the east on to the scrubby dunes .
10 He smiled then made his way down the steps quietly , careful not to disturb her reverie .
11 He drew in a deep icy breath , then straightened his shoulders , a habit he was forcing upon himself a lot of late , then made his way towards the kitchen , to be greeted by Mary with , ‘ He 's gone then ? ’
12 In the world seniors he fared little better , losing to a nondescript American , who then made his exit in the next round .
13 In the world seniors he fared little better , losing to a nondescript American , who then made his exit in the next round .
14 I left the broch and walked uphill as far as I could without disturbing the bird colony , then made my way towards the southern end of the island , where the land sloped gradually down to the sea in long , flat terraces of rock .
15 searched the bathroom and then made my way to the door , the exit door .
16 I sat outside beneath the upturned colander of the night sky until Dennis 's snores had settled into a consistent rhythm , then made my way inside the house and across the living area to the door behind which Karen lay naked .
17 Yanto hesitated for a moment then plunged his hands into the evil smelling , mess .
18 They then fought their way past the Dark Elf patrols and back to the Inner Sea .
19 Jehan rode up beside her , and he leaned out of the saddle and took her reins out of Alexei 's hands , then led her mare in a circle back round towards the road .
20 Fielding ( I noticed ) cut his veal in the normal way , but then passed his fork to the right hand to prong the meat .
21 However , Oliver managed to draw his first breath , and then announced his arrival to the rest of the workhouse by crying loudly .
22 The Doctor smiled at it , waited for it to approach — then whipped his hat through the air and down on to the table , neatly trapping the drone beneath it .
23 The officer then reported her remarks to the court .
24 Heart pounding , Isabel waited until his mouth had almost reached its goal , then jerked her head to the side .
25 He bowed over her hand , then dismissed her fears of an imminent French invasion .
26 Finally , she rinsed her hands , then dabbed her face with a cold flannel .
27 Maybe the parties foolishly signed a pact which then found its way into the hands of the DTI .
28 She dried herself , dressed , brushed her hair and re-applied her make-up , then inspected her reflection in the mirror .
29 We then concentrated our efforts on the tail-rudder and elevators were in place by late Summer 1991 .
30 He let them study the map a while , accustoming themselves once again to its details , then drew their attention to the large red-shaded area to the bottom left of the map .
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