Example sentences of "then [vb pp] on [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The normal formula is ‘ it seemed good to the Council and People ’ , indicating that the decree had been prepared for the Assembly ( ‘ the people ’ ) by the Council , and was then voted on by the Assembly .
2 They were checked again then carried on over the drawbridge and through the gate .
3 The element is first placed on the stripping machine where the contaminated cladding is cut away , then dropped on to a conveyor belt to be stored under water in concrete storage silos .
4 As a mere formality , Minton , like others , was then reappointed on to the staff .
5 He enveloped her mouth in one last , languid taking , then rolled on to the pillow beside her .
6 The interview then moved on to the consideration of the Head of Department 's departmental work , but kept drifting back to his ambition for wider experience .
7 FURTHER intelligence about the amazing Mr Humphrey Berkeley , who left the Conservative Party after bequeathing it an elective system for choosing its leaders , joined Labour , then moved on to the SDP , only to resign from it , too .
8 Captain Swan was the trainer on that occasion and Charlie then moved on to the Kevin Prendergast yard where he had to give up Flat racing because of a sharp rise in his weight following an accident .
9 He dusted it a little , to marvel better , and then moved on to the glass coffin .
10 The service 's interest began with his trade with Russia , then moved on to the Iran-Iraq war and the build-up to the Gulf crisis .
11 The frogs are collected and cooked over a fire until the poisonous , milky skin secretions appear ; these are then scraped on to the weapons .
12 He 'd won a bursary to a local grammar school when he was eleven and then gone on to an apprenticeship with an engineering firm which employed a quarter of the town 's local inhabitants .
13 He grinned , blew Graham a kiss , waved one hand , then stepped on to the crossing during a lull in the traffic .
14 After a year of this , he was then taken on by an Exeter dentist , a Mr. Groves , as a dental technician .
15 The completed report cards were then passed on to the SCC for discussion , after which the details would be forwarded to either the association of SCCs ( covering a wider area than a single school ) , the ASEA , or to some other agency , such as the Girls ' Friendly Society , the Metropolitan Society for Befriending Young Servants or the Recreational Evening Schools Association .
16 Kadi Ayatholugh , muderris in Aghras ( Agras , now Atabey ) , then passed on to the service of Molla Khidr Bey ( Hizir Bey : d. 863/1459 ) -later to become the first kadi of Istanbul but at this time muderris at the Sultan medrese ( the medrese of Mehmed I ) in Bursa — becoming his .
17 There is no contact-tracing as such , but , because it is felt that most of the problem is due to prostitutes ( an unlikely truth in any European country ) , the examining doctor can fill in a form which is then passed on to the police who will undertake a search .
18 The material is then worked on by the waves and built up into a ridge facing the direction from which the greatest waves come .
19 The leaf tracing is then pasted on to the assembly so that the centre vein coincides with the join .
20 The grasses are woven together with cotton to form a mat , which is then bonded on to a paper backing .
21 I tugged and lugged the dinghy until it was sliding backwards down the bank , and then held on to the painter , digging my heels in , leaning back to prevent too fast and splashy a launch .
22 Upper Halling had its own ice cream made at the Black Boy by Jesse Crowhurst and Ernie Pankhurst , this would be made at weekends then loaded on to a hand card and pushed either up to Red Kill or to Birling Bank , where they would sell approx. 5–6 gallons on a Sunday .
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