Example sentences of "then [verb] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This union and other unions have protested most vigorously to the Mersey Region and they decided then to go ahead with the appeals by approaching other trade unions , not necessarily involved in clinical skills , like the plumbers and the joiners of the A U E W and the EPTU .
2 But perhaps she had seen others at the tree tops , for she clattered her talons violently on the top of her cage , crashed down on to its concrete floor , her wings smashing against the branch that projected across her cage , and then lunged forward at the door of her cage , driven by an impulse that spoke of a terrible longing to be free .
3 He clicked his fingers for Nosey to follow him , then rode northwards in the dusk .
4 Media Production The contents of the files produced by the HARDCOPY FORMATTER must be transcribed onto the desired hard copy media , then checked visually by the user to ensure that a good copy has been produced .
5 It sniffed the air then made straight for the drum .
6 Harry rolled the two bodies over the gunwale into the sea , then stabbed twice through the bottom of the boat to sink it .
7 The leader then turns away from the children during which time they can advance .
8 The genealogist who has traced his family tree as far back as is possible through the use of the civil registration records kept at St Catherine 's House , London , and local registry offices then turns naturally to the baptism , marriage and burial registers of the Church of England for the preceding generations .
9 Pulling off the silky dress with trembling hands , then the slips of white lace which did service as bra and pants , she angrily kicked off the low-heeled white sandals , raked her long blonde hair out of its French plait , and then plunged gratefully for the privacy of the small en-suite bathroom , standing beneath the shower for a long , soothing soak before she climbed into bed in the baggy jade T-shirt which she wore as a nightshirt .
10 If RC remains steady within 2–3° of its 0° plus/minus drift position , then track straight to the station is being maintained and your estimated drift allowance is correct .
11 The bullet ricocheted off a stone in the road and then passed exactly through the centre of the rear seat .
12 When the slaves saw Burun they hissed and bowed , then passed silently through the door to the antechamber .
13 He then passed quickly through the crowd , eyes studiously on the ground , black gown folded round him like a rook 's wings .
14 As soon as the bell goes for the start of school we go to our tutor group rooms to drop off our bags and coats and then make straight for the hall .
15 The path goes to the right to reach a stream at a small gorge and then goes slightly to the left to pass Loch an Fhir-bhallaich .
16 The second session begins with a few limbering-up exercises and then goes immediately to the selection .
17 Then drinks here at the bar .
18 During aerobic walking your heart and breathing rates increase , level out , then remain there for the duration of the exercise .
19 Apply it to one of the surfaces then clamp together until the glue sets .
20 Production from the North Sea is likely to peak either in 1985 or 1986 , plateau , then curve downwards towards the end of the 1980s .
21 Finally reaching the bottom , she peered theatrically round the end of the banisters , then crept stealthily along the hall towards the kitchen .
22 The method used to spin both types was the same , a short whip of string or leather about eighteen inches in length was wound around the top which was then placed upright on the ground and steadied with one finger .
23 And Gharr glowered at me one more , then stalked away into the throng while Ten-huc watched him balefully and Pulvidon grinned his carnivore grin .
24 I then got straight onto the radio to Sergeant and Superintendent and informed them that the flat was secure er one person er arrested er and requested C I D and their presence .
25 Then say so in the record , the pragmatist would counter .
26 He then looks grimly into the coffee cup .
27 The youngest visitor , aged about six and dressed ready for bed in pyjamas , helped his father to decipher the jottings in his field notebook and then reported earnestly on the day 's tally .
28 He gurgled unpleasantly , and then knelt awkwardly on the planking .
29 I tried staying in town overnight and then driving home during the day to spend time with Maisie .
30 ( Do this by pencilling over the side of the paper , turning it over on to the icing and then pressing gently over the lines again . )
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