Example sentences of "then [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The kitchen then became a hive of industry , with the fat being cut up and rendered for lard , kept in a big earthenware pot .
2 The rising was put down and so was the castle , which then became a source of building materials , a man-made quarry .
3 Oliver ate his share of the food and was then given a glass of gin-and-water .
4 Characters , for example , are not ‘ real ’ people but effects produced by the semic code through its naming of qualities , which are then given an appearance of individuality and reality through the attribution of a proper name .
5 A KNIFE maniac vowed to wage war on the police then stabbed an officer to death , a court heard yesterday .
6 With a feeling of being ill-used she started to clear up the remains of last night 's dinner , while drinking a freshly squeezed orange juice , then eating a bowl of cereal .
7 He told his wife , Lisa , of the lies at the weekend then revealed the truth in response to warm wishes received after the attacks .
8 When complete silence had fallen he then produced a sheet of paper from his pocket , folded it back on itself to remove the crease , smoothed it out a number of times and then read a statement to the effect that inquiries were proceeding , steps being taken , fruitful avenues opening up and concrete results expected within a short space of time .
9 Black let out a sigh then produced a bottle of whisky from the bottom drawer of his desk .
10 You can then treat the timber by spraying or brushing on two generous coats , working backwards towards the loft hatch .
11 On the other hand is the car dealer who ‘ clocks ’ the odometer himself and then displays the car for sale .
12 The rebellion was crushed by the British Government , which then passed an Act of Union in 1801 , abolishing the Dublin parliament and integrating Ireland with the UK .
13 The BCG then coupled the importance of market share with the rate of growth in the market to produce a growth-share matrix upon which all a corporate group 's main product groups would be plotted ( see figure 4.1 ) .
14 Competition for agency jobs is so severe that you may find it easier to obtain an interview with the media itself — a TV contractor or newspaper and then make the transition to agency work a little later in your career .
15 ‘ The reasons for this decision have not become apparent at this trial ’ ( they had but he had chosen to ignore them ) and he then attacked the Secretary of State for what he called ‘ usurping the functions of the judiciary ’ , apparently ignorant that recommendations for free pardons have always been vested in the executive .
16 Ironically , in the light of later events , defending counsel then sought an adjournment in order to call character witnesses in mitigation .
17 If we analyze lots of water samples taken at different depths at the same we can then plot a graph of concentration versus depth and get a profile that looks something like this .
18 ‘ Very small , ’ Doyle replied tersely then placed the bourbon in front of her .
19 She blinked , momentarily blinded , then experienced a sense of shock as she realised that her early warning system , that nervous tingle that ran down her spine , had betrayed her as her vision cleared and she realised Niall was standing beside her .
20 The point Herrnstein 's ‘ anti-hereditarians ’ are trying to make deals , not with the obvious genetic roots of an individual 's intelligence , but , first , the exact meaning of this thing we call ‘ intelligence ’ and , secondly , the impossibility of separating and then quantifying the amount of intelligence which is inherited and the amount which is subject to change .
21 They then combine the hydrogen with carbon dioxide to form sugars and release the oxygen into the atmosphere .
22 One can then compare the amount of radioactivity in control and trained chicks region by region and look for differences .
23 If a phrase is noteworthy then acknowledge the copying with speech marks and cite the source .
24 He made coffee , then found the piece of paper Roxborough had given him and took it to the phone .
25 Roberts then reviewed the functioning of KMAG .
26 Aenarion passes through the sacred flame and then defends the Shrine of Asuryan against the Chaos Horde of Morkar .
27 ‘ I drive down hoping to open negotiations with the house owner , ’ he continued , ‘ spend time with Paulo in the office , then grab a bite of lunch before I return to Lisboa , but — ’
28 Half fill the dishes with the salmon mixture , then place a teaspoon of caviar in the centre .
29 Then place a piece of paper in the nearest WC — flush it , and move quickly to the nearest manhole and watch the paper flow through .
30 Place the tube in an ice-bath , add 20 µl 3 M NaAC ( pH 5.2 ) and 2.5 volumes of ethanol , then place the tube in liquid N 2 for 5 minutes .
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