Example sentences of "then [verb] [pron] [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 If people are voting in their interests , why not then sell their votes to the highest bidder ?
2 The officer then reported her remarks to the court .
3 Thacker looked her up and down , then dropped his eyes to the floor .
4 Then transfer your measurements to the face of the card using a soft pencil .
5 Not content with this , they then turned their attentions to the runway and ‘ bombed ’ it with the full venom of coloured water from their tanks !
6 He allowed himself one backward glance towards the estate , then turned his heels to the task of flight .
7 Sighing , she lifted the dustbin lid and watched the brown china pieces slip from the shovel , then raised her eyes to the May sky .
8 He then switched his efforts to the light-heavyweight division , the British championship of which he won spectacularly ( in one round ) in 1977 .
9 So where Bangladeshis spent periods of time in the United Kingdom interspersed with periods in Bangladesh and then brought their families to the United Kingdom , took temporary accommodation , and then applied to be treated as a homeless person , it was held that the local authority was entitled to refuse them .
10 Then leave your answers to the four easy , radio related questions , plus your name , address and daytime telephone number .
11 The Unionists would hope to discuss their blueprint with the other parties , in bilateral talks , and then take their conclusions to the two governments .
12 Then return their cards to the pack .
13 The players then return their beads to the board in groups of four .
14 all of it must , but all of a sudden Jesus came along and then enlightened their minds to the scriptures so they are inspired again to write the Christian
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