Example sentences of "then [verb] [prep] [art] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , vendors rarely find this acceptable , if only because the fact that the guarantee is then given to a third party may mean it has to be dealt with as a separate note in the balance sheet .
2 The signal then goes to a second amplifier/filter of the same configuration also with a corner frequency of about 0.3Hz .
3 Currently in a six month appointment a house officer may be attached to one team of consultants for three months and then change to a second team .
4 The no. 1 right hand light must be on ( as well as the jacquard light when you start knitting ) and you have to start by knitting a single row in the background colour from right to left , then change to the second colour .
5 And that all if you put this together with the documents that we know , it suggests that there was a twelfth century church here which was demolished and then rebuilt in the fifteenth century .
6 The first was that Stirling had promised his men that they would never be subjected to the indecisions of the Commando days when operation after operation was planned and then cancelled at the last minute .
7 Those contents were then tipped into a second vessel containing cold water , which both stopped and cooled the reaction .
8 One Scottish Cup semi-final was played on Sunday and the greater experience of Les Steel ( Barnet Shenkin , Victor Goldberg and John Matheson ) told against Liz McGowan ( Ken Baxter , Malcolm Cuthbertson and Andrew McIntosh ) in a match which was close for 24 boards then decided in the third set of 12 boards .
9 from a deliberately slow start , he went past 10 miles in around 1:25 then accelerated through the second half of the race to turn in a respectable 2:42:31 .
10 Culley went straight for Elliott , then sidestepped at the last minute , almost a leap backwards .
11 Now , obviously , you know , yo getting the menopause out into the open so that everyone can talk about it , exchange information that that it 's not seen as a as a taboo or something to be particularly fearful of by men or women is n't going to be much good if it just makes everybody worry for er , for for the first half of o o o of their lives and , and then gibber through the second half !
12 All 50,000 who passed the course , and a further 20,000 members of staff who are involved in the cold chain , then embarked upon a second training module to emphasise the importance of maintaining chilled and frozen foods at the correct temperature .
13 Both cases can be covered by imposing the additional constraint and then turning to the second objective .
14 The information gained from the self-monitoring sheets is then used in the next session as a basis for discussion .
15 The roadway is closed to traffic by a turnpike , then , underneath a kind of Bridge of Sighs connecting the main block with the buildings attached to the Arch , it is closed again by a set of ornamental gates — and then closed for a third time by another turnpike .
16 We have then to look at a third area of asymmetry , directly connected with qualitative changes in the means of cultural production .
17 In general , we find paths from J to 1 and I to 1 and then look for the first node k at which the paths meet ( k = 9 in the example ) .
18 ‘ E mast be LOADED — and then getting on the next coach to Leeds to get all me money just like John Lennon 's dad . ’
19 The video is then played through a second time without the sound .
20 Once such differences in the soil can be detected , the archaeological features are excavated , often by first removing what appears to be the latest ( uppermost ) layer , and then proceeding to the next layer , and so on .
21 The green eye flashed at Culley then settled on the next drink .
22 A prompt then appears for the next entry .
23 With the refractor , the light from the object to be observed is collected by an object-glass ; the light is brought to focus , and the image is then enlarged by a second lens termed the eyepiece .
24 It is then vetted by a second report writer and if there is any divergence of view , the opinion of a third report writer will be sought .
25 On his return in 680 he was deprived of his relics by Iurminburg , imprisoned for nine months by Ecgfrith , and then expelled for a second time from the kingdom .
26 He then worked as the third man on the management side at Middlesbrough , under Bruce Rioch and Colin Todd before joining Darlington , as they were heading for the GM Vauxhall Conference , three years ago .
27 By now it was near the close on the third day ; Gooch and Boycott made a confident start , but much of the Monday was lost to rain and the game was then abandoned on the last afternoon with almost ten hours having been lost .
28 He points to some of the planned sessions which together constitute a ‘ business stream ’ , beginning with an opening session which , he says , ‘ starts on the basis of , forget IT , what are the critical success factors of your business ? ’ , and is then followed on the next day by looking at how to manage for change by establishing an IT corporate policy .
29 She and two of the Aussies then proceeded to the next floor where guest bedrooms were to be found .
30 The attack is blocked and instantly countered ; the counter is then blocked by the first attacker , who in turn counters , and so on .
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