Example sentences of "then [verb] [prep] [art] second [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The signal then goes to a second amplifier/filter of the same configuration also with a corner frequency of about 0.3Hz .
2 Currently in a six month appointment a house officer may be attached to one team of consultants for three months and then change to a second team .
3 The no. 1 right hand light must be on ( as well as the jacquard light when you start knitting ) and you have to start by knitting a single row in the background colour from right to left , then change to the second colour .
4 Those contents were then tipped into a second vessel containing cold water , which both stopped and cooled the reaction .
5 from a deliberately slow start , he went past 10 miles in around 1:25 then accelerated through the second half of the race to turn in a respectable 2:42:31 .
6 Now , obviously , you know , yo getting the menopause out into the open so that everyone can talk about it , exchange information that that it 's not seen as a as a taboo or something to be particularly fearful of by men or women is n't going to be much good if it just makes everybody worry for er , for for the first half of o o o of their lives and , and then gibber through the second half !
7 All 50,000 who passed the course , and a further 20,000 members of staff who are involved in the cold chain , then embarked upon a second training module to emphasise the importance of maintaining chilled and frozen foods at the correct temperature .
8 Both cases can be covered by imposing the additional constraint and then turning to the second objective .
9 The video is then played through a second time without the sound .
10 With the refractor , the light from the object to be observed is collected by an object-glass ; the light is brought to focus , and the image is then enlarged by a second lens termed the eyepiece .
11 It is then vetted by a second report writer and if there is any divergence of view , the opinion of a third report writer will be sought .
12 On his return in 680 he was deprived of his relics by Iurminburg , imprisoned for nine months by Ecgfrith , and then expelled for a second time from the kingdom .
13 To start , we consider the first ( highest priority ) objective and try to find a feasible solution ( x 1 , … , x n ) satisfying and , if our search is successful , we impose this inequality as an extra constraint and then turn to the second objective .
14 The Thannhauser Collection then spreads to a second level in the Monitor Building , where pastels and other works on paper by Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec will be shown .
15 Each morning apply a layer of moisturiser , allow it to sink in , then put on a second layer .
16 The system then moves into the second level of activity by enquiring as to the nature of this assembly .
17 The lesson of these observations is that one must be prepared to operate within this two tier business structure ; establish friendship first and then move to the second stage of actual business negotiations .
18 Your students may have seen you play a sequence without sound then rewind for a second viewing , or pause to speculate about what might happen next .
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