Example sentences of "him [prep] the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Which must mean that , regardless of the fact that he 's so wound up over you he ca n't think straight , you 're only playing around with him for the pure hell of it . ’
2 Mr Kinnock staggers under the additional handicap of having no ministerial experience which would equip him for the supreme office to which he aspires .
3 Though he knew the press would be sending a photographer to take a picture of him for the financial pages of the newspaper , he suspected that their main interest was in Hank .
4 It was an experience which steeled him for the future task of having as many as a dozen major country houses under construction in any one year .
5 On another occasion his reference to the duty of the Old Testament prophets to denounce God 's judgements to the King and Court was reported to James II , who sent for him and reproached him for the controversial bitterness with which he had spoken .
6 I KNEW of Doctor Ladislav Mareda through British friends who had worked with him for the English-language section of Prague radio until the crushing of the Prague Spring in 1968 .
7 Britain 's golden boy who lost his shine when newcomer David Grindley beat him for the final place in today 's 400 metres final is ready to take a year off from the track if it means he can beat the trouble .
8 Lacking any financial acumen , he ran into difficulties with the Inland Revenue which filed a bankruptcy petition against him for the unpaid tax on his ring earnings : the order was for over £17 000 .
9 Knowing him for the hard-hearted son of a bitch he was , I was still shaken .
10 ‘ Of course , Doctor , ’ murmured Judy , gazing up at him through the dark crescents of her attractively long lashes .
11 She led him through the main tannery to where a pile of raw sheep skins lay , and still with her light eyes on him lay down .
12 Her presence would help him through the waiting hours of the night .
13 Tony Vaux follows him through the comic-horror jungle of Third World bureaucracy — and corruption .
14 Milton was developing a certain respect for the Colonel 's ability to get him off the main point of the interview .
15 He found a mirror , stuck candles at either side of it and sat , naked , before it , the sweat drying on him as the warm undulation of night air moved into the room .
16 I look upon him as the authentic voice of the Labour party , and I want him to be heard .
17 He openly talked of him as the probable successor to the see of Canterbury .
18 In 1986 deep-sea researcher Jacques Cousteau selected him as the still photographer for the research ship Calypso
19 Certainly , this seems more plausible than the story of Franco 's late arrival , which was almost certainly invented later as part of the propaganda campaign to present him as the powerful statesman for whom even Adolf Hitler would wait .
20 It is a piece that shows Strauss 's deep understanding of nature , and , again , it shows him as the great master of the musical epilogue .
21 In fact he takes his role as guardian of these fey fellahin so seriously that perhaps one should regard him as the Brobdingnagian Mayor of Gumnutland .
22 At Edgbaston , in his early days , it is hard to recall him as the skinny lad in wire spectacles who tried too hard to bowl at medium pace , and when he became depressed at his form , came out in eczema rashes and asthma wheezes .
23 Charles 's only alternative was to use royal lands to " buy " support : a long historiographical tradition casts him as the archetypical squanderer of the fisc .
24 Share My Lettuce boasts an original if rather undernourished droll in Kenneth Williams ( remember him as the alarming brat in The Buccaneer ?
25 Marx 's internationalism paralleled what was identified by him as the leading sector of capitalism , the international .
26 Like Richter and Tatyana Nikolaieva , I seen him as the founding father of all true musical quality , a composer far removed from conventional notions of sobriety , academicism or dryness .
27 Henry 's anti-papalism was based on the belief that the pope had wrongfully usurped the spiritual and temporal power which had traditionally belonged to the kings of England , and while he therefore rejected the pope 's claim to jurisdiction in England , he was prepared to regard him as the rightful Bishop of Rome .
28 But , before Robert had the chance to ask him about the Golden Calf of the Druze , or what a Nizari Ismaili might be , or how many of either group might be lurking around Wimbledon , the bell sounded for the end of break , and , below them , in the Great Hall , he heard the sounds of the whole school assembling for nature , recreation and Islamic dancing .
29 In other classes learned men told him about the economic infrastructure of the Low Countries and Germany , and the Burmese rubber nexus .
30 He also talks to him about the possible relationship between stress , smoking , poor dietary habits , alcohol and the incidence of peptic ulcers so that Peter understands what is happening and can consider what changes he might make in his lifestyle .
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