Example sentences of "him [prep] the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 He found a mirror , stuck candles at either side of it and sat , naked , before it , the sweat drying on him as the warm undulation of night air moved into the room .
32 I look upon him as the authentic voice of the Labour party , and I want him to be heard .
33 He openly talked of him as the probable successor to the see of Canterbury .
34 In 1986 deep-sea researcher Jacques Cousteau selected him as the still photographer for the research ship Calypso
35 Certainly , this seems more plausible than the story of Franco 's late arrival , which was almost certainly invented later as part of the propaganda campaign to present him as the powerful statesman for whom even Adolf Hitler would wait .
36 It is a piece that shows Strauss 's deep understanding of nature , and , again , it shows him as the great master of the musical epilogue .
37 In fact he takes his role as guardian of these fey fellahin so seriously that perhaps one should regard him as the Brobdingnagian Mayor of Gumnutland .
38 At Edgbaston , in his early days , it is hard to recall him as the skinny lad in wire spectacles who tried too hard to bowl at medium pace , and when he became depressed at his form , came out in eczema rashes and asthma wheezes .
39 Charles 's only alternative was to use royal lands to " buy " support : a long historiographical tradition casts him as the archetypical squanderer of the fisc .
40 Share My Lettuce boasts an original if rather undernourished droll in Kenneth Williams ( remember him as the alarming brat in The Buccaneer ?
41 Marx 's internationalism paralleled what was identified by him as the leading sector of capitalism , the international .
42 Like Richter and Tatyana Nikolaieva , I seen him as the founding father of all true musical quality , a composer far removed from conventional notions of sobriety , academicism or dryness .
43 Henry 's anti-papalism was based on the belief that the pope had wrongfully usurped the spiritual and temporal power which had traditionally belonged to the kings of England , and while he therefore rejected the pope 's claim to jurisdiction in England , he was prepared to regard him as the rightful Bishop of Rome .
44 Ward told him about the two diversions below Chilete and the need to switch to the old road that ran along the lip of the gorge .
45 Ossie wanted to ask him about the two gentlemen of Verona .
46 But , before Robert had the chance to ask him about the Golden Calf of the Druze , or what a Nizari Ismaili might be , or how many of either group might be lurking around Wimbledon , the bell sounded for the end of break , and , below them , in the Great Hall , he heard the sounds of the whole school assembling for nature , recreation and Islamic dancing .
47 In other classes learned men told him about the economic infrastructure of the Low Countries and Germany , and the Burmese rubber nexus .
48 He also talks to him about the possible relationship between stress , smoking , poor dietary habits , alcohol and the incidence of peptic ulcers so that Peter understands what is happening and can consider what changes he might make in his lifestyle .
49 ‘ Then I 'd talk to him about the socio-economic roots of poverty . ’
50 She wanted to say that not only was that ridiculous but it was dangerous , she wanted to tell him about the frightening minutes in the maze of old Nice .
51 I tell him about the old garage under the arches .
52 His wife was again allowed to visit him about the same time on the following ( or third ) day of custody .
53 She told him about the latest developments from Zurich while dressing the wound , filling him in on the backgrounds of Hendrique and Milchan as well as relaying Philpott 's instructions .
54 As concisely as she could , Melissa told him about the missing sketch of Delia Forbes , her subsequent visit to the house in Regency Terrace and the possibility of a plot by one of Eddie 's discarded lovers to kill Angy .
55 She told him about the secretarial course at the technical college and her plans eventually to go to London , perhaps to model .
56 Polybius again went a step further by passing over in silence the Roman Bacchanalia which chronologically and typologically can hardly be separated from the new popularity of Dionysus in Egypt about 210 B.C. He was also silent about the religious crisis in Rome during the second Punic War : we do not hear from him about the human sacrifices of that time .
57 He also carefully counts the local council votes in all the wards which affect his constituency to see what they can tell him about the likely outcome of the parliamentary election .
58 When you 're bored bored at other times , let's put it that way if he starts doing any bio-chemistry at all start as , start asking him about the proper names of the systematic names of things and you watch him bristle !
59 And of course , Bullitt had directly observed the man and interacted with him during the critical time at , at the Versailles conference .
60 I fell in love with him during the two years of filming .
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