Example sentences of "him [adv] on [art] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I sat him down on the kerb and called police . ’
2 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
3 Nick set him down on the terrace and he rushed indoors .
4 An old servant , bald as a badger , yellow-faced and wizened , bustled towards us with all the speed of a snail ; he mumbled apologies in French but Ralemberg just tapped him gently on the shoulder and told him not to worry .
5 When my hon. Friend meets the chairman of the East Cumbria authority , will he congratulate him warmly on the fact that having , since 1982-83 , secured a budget increase , after inflation , of almost 15 per cent .
6 Depression audiences were given a hero who first fights in the World War and then finds it difficult to settle back into a factory job ; this innocent man is then twice sentenced to a chain-gang , the second arrest coming after a period during which he had succeeded as a respectable businessman ; the film ends with him still on the run and having now to depend on crime to keep himself alive .
7 His mouth opened slightly , her tongue touched his upper lip once , then slipped away again ; she kissed him quickly on the cheek and turned , walked to a doorway , fumbling for a key in a small purse she took from her old fur coat .
8 Jacques Devraux had not troubled to make him known to the senator , but while his father made a final check of the baggage truck , Paul Devraux had patted him affectionately on the shoulder and introduced him to them as " the great all-purpose Annamese genie Ngo Van Loc , who 's houseboy , camp boy , chauffeur and indispensable general assistant to the humble Devraux family . "
9 She kissed him affectionately on the cheek and dashed off before she could persuade herself not to listen to him .
10 Chuck Sherman , who had noticed the excited gleam in his young brother 's eyes , grinned and punched him affectionately on the arm as he took the binoculars , but before he could lift them to his eyes a tumult of shouting and screaming broke out suddenly among the throng of Chinese pressing up against the iron grille below them .
11 On another occasion Ricky knocked Minton out on the platform of the Underground , afterwards propping him up on a bench until he recovered sufficiently to be walked home .
12 Anyway , I do know they hung Him up on the cross so it did n't do Him a lot of good .
13 Sammy sniffed at the food in the bag and Tom tapped him tenderly on the nose and slung it on his back .
14 Currie , formerly of Mauchline Terrace , Kilmarnock , had admitted assaulting Mr McMurtie , jumping on him , striking him repeatedly on the head and body , kicking and stamping on his head .
15 If Marcus was sitting on his bed or walking about the room or looking out of the window , Ludens would sit near him either on a chair or else on the floor his knees up , his back against the wall .
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