Example sentences of "into and out [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Charlotte realized he was still stage-managing their encounter , moving Holly into and out of the wings as and when it suited him .
2 It consists of a table , as typically shown in Table 3.1 , setting out , period by period , the forecast flows of money into and out of the company .
3 It consists of a table , as typically shown in Table 3.1 , setting out , period by period , the forecast flows of money into and out of the company .
4 It provided for the unimpeded movement of foreign exchange and gold into and out of the country by both Philippine residents and overseas investors , and removed the requirement that foreign exchange earned abroad by Philippine-based commodity and service exporters be sold to Manila-based banks .
5 In an open economy like the UK , with an absence of exchange controls , movements of sterling and other currencies into and out of the country can be very large , leading to large fluctuations in the money supply .
6 The WWF reported that some live animals are smuggled into and out of the country in oil drums , plastic bags and even cigarette cartons .
7 Both had the broadly similar functions of recording , in different ways , payments into and out of the Exchequer of Receipt ; but from the middle of the sixteenth century the older office , the Clerkship of the Pells , was being encroached upon by the Writer of the Tallies .
8 In the Snowdon National Park a local Sherpa bus service was started experimentally in 1976 as a means of getting visitors into and out of the Park and reducing the volume of private cars ( Mulligan 1979 ) .
9 He noted that ‘ communication tends to flow into and out of the Pacific islands , but there is very little dialogue between the islands ’ .
10 Up until 1950 , when the first road was built into the town , the area depended on air transport for the main services into and out of the township .
11 The Forest park and ride attendant tells me they 're fairly busy but with still parking space site for the moment and there 's room to park on the Colwick Race Course and the Queens Drive site too and that 's service does offer free parking for yourself and your passengers and you can travel into and out of the city again for a pound .
12 Background activities include transferring modules into and out of the LIFESPAN database .
13 A series of statistics published in the Employment Gazette provides information about monthly flows into and out of the pool of unemployment and these enable more accurate calculations of the average duration of unemployment spells to be made .
14 A jitter , caused by the way the solar panels ( which provide power ) buckle when the telescope moves into and out of the earth 's shadow , disturbs those observations that can be made .
15 This was no easy task as the Lincoln would be flying at low level over a featureless jungle and the bomb aimer had to be quick in identifying each datum point on the route into and out of the target point .
16 This study aims to discover patterns of migration of labour within and between the townships of Calverley parish and to look at the role of vestry policy upon this and also upon movement into and out of the parish .
17 Dr Spufford 's study deals with many important themes which can not be considered here , but the attention of the family historian is drawn to her conclusions about mobility into and out of the parish during the six generations between 1575 and the 1720s and to her remarks on the provision of education .
18 He drifts into and out of the world .
19 It is present throughout the universe , the flow of energy into and out of the body occurring particularly at the energy centres known as ‘ chakras ’ , at the base of the spine , the sex organs , solar plexus , heart , throat , brow , and the crown of the head .
20 Administrative decision-making on deprivation of parental rights and the coming and going of children into and out of the care of the state is perceived by many as an abuse of legal process .
21 It is thought to have something to do with sudden changes in water temperature , microbial infection , or the diffusion of gas into and out of the blood stream .
22 Nathan had not been prepared for the bus trip into and out of the town and the long walk through the snow to a campsite either .
23 The provision of permanent waters led everywhere to overgrazing and consequent soil erosion , and veterinary quarantine regulations which interfered with the free movement of cattle both within and into and out of the reserves almost certainly contributed to the spread of tsetse fly which occurred during the colonial period .
24 Professor Dyos calculated that of the 75,000 people by which Camberwell grew during the 1870s , about 52,000 represented the balance of migration into and out of the district and 23,000 were the result of natural increase .
25 By raising or lowering these gates , one could control the flow of water both into and out of the pond and thence into the sluice , at the other end of which was the pipe which fed the turbine in its house below .
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