Example sentences of "into the [noun sg] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd passed that fella on the road an' when I looked back she was talking to him ; then when I turned the cart into the alley the next minute , she was flying past , almost throwing the child at me .
2 Trish yawned as she came padding into the kitchen the next morning .
3 If a new kitten is brought into the home the old cat may feel slighted by all the attention the newcomer is receiving .
4 To re-seal a half-used cartridge , take the piece you cut off the end of the nozzle and push it into the nozzle the other way round
5 In modern viticultural establishments the grafts will spend some time in hot-room callusing boxes to develop a protective skin or callus over the grafting wound before they are planted into the nursery beds , and finally into the vineyard the following season .
6 Three weeks into the campaign the conventional wisdom is looking less convincing .
7 The fortnight of concerts , workshops , exhibitions , master-classes , films and lectures spread between several Wirral venues old and new offers one great concession to the Liverpool side of the Mersey , by incorporating into the schedule the legendary Chuck Berry 's appearance at the Empire Theatre on November 16 .
8 She could feel the tightness in her chest which she had experienced when she had rushed out into the night the previous week .
9 An insight into the way the official terrain is constructed can be gained by noting the exclusion of other categories , which might have yielded different ‘ problems ’ : ‘ Muslims ’ , ‘ Jews ’ , ‘ Catholics ’ , ‘ Protestants ’ , etc .
10 He argues that class conflicts and economic crises are built into the way the economic system works , and they can not be avoided .
11 The Tory MP for Aylesbury , Timothy Raisin , is calling for a fresh look into the way the social fund is operated .
12 Yes , he came into the hall the other day and he tipped out
13 To the right of the green are bunkers from which it appears easy to thin the ball into the water the other side .
14 There was no sign of tenderness in the man who tossed her up into the saddle the next morning , but , seeing him now in the full light of day , Isabel was forced to concede that he was still handsome .
15 According to his informant , the arms had come into the quarter the previous day .
16 For one , the researcher did not have Roget 's on-line and needed to manually enter into the computer the relevant relations from Roget 's .
17 In our computer models in Chapter 3 , we deliberately built into the computer the basic ingredients of cumulative selection .
18 Once the settlor has put the property into the settlement the general rule is that it will cease to be his for all tax purposes .
19 When he walked into the office the next day he found the new proprietor 's considerable bulk squeezed into his own chair , took the point and resigned .
20 When the caretaker eventually ventured into the room the following day , all was as usual .
21 He says that when he got into the room the double bed was alight , he picked up the babies and got them out as quickly as he could .
22 The morning train from Sidney picked up milk from various farms for shipment to Victoria and on at least one occasion it was held up for two hours while cows , that had been turned into the bush the previous night to pick up what nourishment they could were searched for , rounded up , milked and the milk loaded for the trip to town .
23 True enough , but to be incorporated into the protein the radioactive amino acid has first to be taken up from the bloodstream into the neurons .
24 This is the problem that behaviour which is privately profitable will not be wealth maximising overall where an actor can ignore the costs that its activities impose on others , for example where a company without cost to itself can emit into the atmosphere the noxious by-products of its production processes .
25 When they stepped into the street the damp warmth hit her in the face and the heat of the pavements struck through the thin soles of her shoes so that every step of the way was like treading on hot cinders .
26 Eubank went into the ring the overwhelming favourite at 1–7 and 2–5 to win inside the distance class was never obvious to the spectators .
27 The amniocentesis test had proved everything was normal and she had done her best to push into the background the treacherous thoughts about it which had assailed her on her first visit to the gynaecologist .
28 " That would be the seneschal paused , watching one of the apprentice chefs dipping a long ladle into the cauldron the unfortunate attendant had just vacated .
29 Wi , Joan wanted to take it into the party the other night they would n't let her .
30 Twice remove from the freezer before the ice is solid and beat vigorously , folding all but 2 tbsps of the praline mixture into the ice-cream the second time .
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