Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In Whitehouse v Jordan [ 1981 ] , the House of Lords confirmed that an error of judgment does not automatically indicate negligence , it depends whether the error would have been made by a reasonably competent professional man professing to have the standard and type of skill that the defendant held himself out as having .
2 Thus , unless the table shown is a reproduction , which it is not , it would have been made within a comparatively short period .
3 This explains the abundance of deltaic sediments in the stratigraphical record of the continental areas , but one must also expect that such sediments will either not exceed a critical maximum thickness , such as that suggested above , or they must have been deposited in a tectonically subsiding trough .
4 However well the country may have been served by the largely unco-ordinated activities and initiatives of the past , we are clear that from now on they are not good enough .
5 He wrote : ‘ But it is when we examine the zoology of these countries that we find what we most require — evidence of a very striking character that these great islands must once have formed a part of the continent , and could only have been separated at a very recent geological epoch .
6 Surely , if you really had not news to report , the space could have been deployed in a much more productive manner — maybe to help some worthy cause or charity .
7 ‘ I regret that this whole matter could not have been handled in a more constructive manner . ’
8 The metabolism controversy may not have been aided by the somewhat liberal use of generic terms by Bakker and even by his critics , in popular books and articles .
9 As was clear from the district initiative at Exminster the alternative strategy , a long-term programme of upgrading the asylum wards to modern standards , would hardly have been countenanced by the most avid , non-expert supporter of public spending .
10 Unfit scrappers with a weight difference of a couple of stone can slug it out for as long as the organizers see fit and the sport can accommodate fighters who might have been barred from the more formal ring or people who want to avoid the cartels that run the official game .
11 Some conference representatives may have been influenced by a fiercely polemical front page editorial in yesterday 's Daily Mail .
12 It is easy to Find more simple language in which the same ideas might have been expressed in a more humdrum context : delay for procrastinate , for example , or pay for remuneration .
13 As Bowers has pointed out , however , it must be questioned whether the same results could not have been achieved by a strictly enforced parking policy , given the lack of parking space .
14 Millions of years ago , some serow-like ancestor may have been tempted by the relatively secure niche provided by the steep mountain slopes which are safer from the predators than the plains below .
15 The aristocracy — ie. titled landowners — do still exist and have been joined by the very wealthy ( through ownership or investment ) : it has been reckoned that this 1% of adult population owns one-quarter of all the wealth in Britain .
16 In the case of a registered title , a charge may have been secured by the less formal method of giving notice to the Land Registry of " Notice of Deposit " ( or " Intended Deposit " ) of the land certificate , and in such a case the appropriate document is the " Withdrawal of Notice " , which is endorsed on the back of the official receipt of notice of deposit .
17 Both accepted what might have been regarded as a rather dubious honour .
18 So we do n't want to be any under any illusions about that , and the same can be applied to the fact that we have made no real provision for nursery education , that we were in trouble over special needs in this county , that was a a requirement to restore services that were well below the S S A on Social Services , and we really all this er this er , new administration has done , has been brought those up , those services up to what would have been regarded as a quite an unacceptable level with most of the the the authorities in this country .
19 I wonder also if the book might not have been packaged in a more sensible manner .
20 For example , this selection of flowers could have been framed in a pale green mount , or the entire design could have been created on a very pale blue-grey background with no mount at all , both of which would have given a very different emphasis to the pink roses .
21 Had the inconceivable happened , a relisting would surely have been granted on the most fundamental ground imaginable — a failure of the court to give judgment on issues properly raised before it and essential to a disposal of the case .
22 It may be that in New South Wales , Category 3 , which carries the seven-year penalty , has been constructed too broadly and that some conduct which it covers should have been placed within the more serious categories .
23 The explosions may have been linked with a particularly violent six-week strike by railway workers in which seven people have died .
24 But it is likely that the professionals who have been responsible for the running of such companies at local level will have been allied to the more liberal group among the upper protestant classes , as represented by such families as the O'Neills , who have looked to the English public schools for the right sort of education .
25 Either the C scribe or one of his predecessors added to the 1017 entry that the ætheling Eadwig was afterwards killed , and ( perhaps inadvertently ) omitted from it the expulsion of Eadwig king of the ceorls , which appears under 1020 ; the information in 1030 that Olaf " was afterwards holy " ( i.e. regarded as a saint ) must also have been included at a fairly late stage in C 's composition .
26 Therefore , any small , equilibrating , and opposite movements in the spot and futures prices may have been swamped by the very strong positive correlation between these two prices induced by the crash .
27 Leadership might have been expected from the more substantial merchants , members of the élite merchant guilds established by Peter and reformed by Catherine .
28 The horrors of eighteenth-century madhouses engender disbelieving revulsion in the twentieth century , yet throughout the last thirty years scandal after scandal has been reported in the press with depressing regularity and without the concern that might have been expected in an apparently liberal and caring society .
29 Even in the case of a regular wage-earner or salaried employee , there might be complications ; for example , the plaintiff might claim that he would have been promoted to a more remunerative post ( in which case the court must assess his prospects of promotion and award damages accordingly ) or the defendant may claim that the plaintiff 's employer had suffered severe business setbacks that necessitated redundancies and that the plaintiff would have lost his employment ( in which case the court must consider all the circumstances and award as damages what it estimates to have been the plaintiff 's net loss ) .
30 The executive checked the documents , and noted that the order should have been executed at a much lower price .
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