Example sentences of "have [been] [adj] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On 16 October 1991 , after a hearing in chambers to consider wasted costs after the jury in a criminal trial had been discharged and a retrial ordered , Judge MacRae made an order against the appellant , H. , a barrister who had acted as defence counsel at the trial , disallowing ‘ such part of the brief fee which would otherwise have been payable on the initial trial as exceeds what would be the proper enhanced refresher for the retrial … ’ under the provisions of section 19A(1) of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 , as inserted by section 111 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 .
2 When the Clause banning the promotion of homosexuality by local authorities was introduced into the Local Government Bill in December 1987 , the Tories must have been confident of no Labour resistance ; and with the honourable exception of Bernie Grant , now a Haringey MP , they were right .
3 Although there was some limited response to the last of these , Iraq must have been disappointed by the overall results of the campaign .
4 Naturally , Reynard started there , drew the first blank , which did n't disconcert him ( he would have been disappointed by an easy discovery anyway ) and composed himself to delve deeper , perhaps taking it backwards a month at a time , beginning with Malamute 's employment with Club Eleusis .
5 ( 2C ) The term implied by subsection ( 2 ) above does not extend to any matter making the quality of goods unsatisfactory ( a ) which is specifically drawn to the buyer 's attention before the contract is made , ( b ) where the buyer examines the goods before the contract is made , which that examination ought to reveal , or ( c ) in the case of a contract for sale by sample , which would have been apparent on a reasonable examination of the sample .
6 In particular , it should have been apparent from an early stage that the railway would prove totally inadequate to deal with the demand generated in the Isle of Dogs , especially by the Canary Wharf project .
7 Above all , whoever occupied the throne would have been subject to the powerful pressure that Nicholas experienced from the United Nobility , the Orthodox Church and reactionary leaders of the Right .
8 Again , given the story 's setting and plot , it would have been easy for an insular national chauvinism to have been the prevailing tone .
9 Most of the people responsible for Labour 's policies acknowledge that those which may have been relevant in the 1980s were disastrous and should be consigned to the rubbish heap .
10 It would not have been possible for the long progression towards the perfect physical being , to have ever occurred at all , if it were encumbered by the constraints of compassion , an emotion which , by the very nature of evolution was completely non-existent before the dawn of civilisation .
11 The massive transportation of goods by air would not have been possible without a faster method of documenting shipments .
12 A constructive dialogue of this kind would not have been possible in the 1980s , when such discussion tended to be ideological in character , rather than purely practical , as in this case .
13 Syl was more of my mother 's generation than my own but it had never occurred to me before that he and she and Lili must all have been young at the same time .
14 Gooch later said he would have batted , but England will have been pleased with the overcast conditions on the opening day , which gave way to sunny weather when England batted .
15 His obduracy on these issues could have been dangerous in the heated atmosphere of those early months in 1341 .
16 On the other hand , it may have been indicative of the increased regulation that went along with this .
17 Circlip detachment could have been consistent with a high tension condition in the belt that , by resulting in elastic bending of the pin , caused a loading to be applied by the backplate flange to the circlip in the axial direction of the pin .
18 Asking the way down with the glory of sight restored would have been stupid in the extreme , and I gave secret thanks for my ego salvation .
19 It is important to note that , since the system began in the late 1920s , there has never been a significant move to split up the schools for use by the separate denominations , something which would have been feasible in the larger towns .
20 Graham Gooch insisted there would be ‘ no wholesale changes ’ for the second Test , which begins at Lord 's on Thursday week , but the captain and his fellow selectors will have been dismayed by the worrying lack of technique and substance shown by most of the team at Old Trafford .
21 The seaside photographer who promises ‘ Memories to treasure ’ with every happy snap might have been present at every major golfing occasion in the Eighties as the players of the age showed their capacity for repeating and exceeding the highwater marks of the very recent past .
22 Occasionally , things get a little confusing — Ride and the pixies are hardly baggy faves — but the presence of the seminal ‘ Taste ’ and ‘ Velouria ’ gives the LP more variety than would have been present on a groove-only affair .
23 Occasionally , things get a little confusing — Ride and the pixies are hardly baggy faves — but the presence of the seminal ‘ Taste ’ and ‘ Velouria ’ gives the LP more variety than would have been present on a groove-only affair .
24 As a consequence it might have been present in the putative progenitors of mitochondria .
25 This may have been due to the long delays in the submission and execution of spot trades caused by the overloading of the NYSE order routing system .
26 A subordinate might therefore make a well-informed decision to win a short-term advantage when a different decision would have been preferable in the longer-term view .
27 However con descending contemporary apologists may be to archaic conceptions of divine intervention , it is almost impossible to exaggerate the extent to which belief in such intervention once permeated European societies , creating popular images of the disruption of nature that could hardly have been congenial to a critical science of nature .
28 When the first-night audience studied their printed librettos , they may have been intrigued by the curious frontispiece .
29 Napoleon Bonaparte , Metternich , Napoleon III and Vittorio Emanuele II all visited the house , and each must have been impressed by the colossal Ionic columns that hold up the façade and hem in the doorway .
30 The modus vivendi was not signed , but it was promulgated in January 1948 in the minutes of the Combined Policy Committee so as to avoid reference to Congress or to the United Nations , which would have been necessary for a formal international agreement .
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