Example sentences of "have [been] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly without the deprivation payments some good inner city practices would have been bankrupted by the new contract .
2 That is to say neither do I believe , in the terms of classical Christology , that Jesus of Nazareth could have had , as well as his human nature , a divine nature ; nor do I believe that he could have been raised from the dead , so acquiring uniqueness through God 's act of raising him .
3 It may even have been increased by the new Article 92 , in spite of the continuing ban on discrimination on the basis of nationality .
4 Civil Service have conceded fewer goals than any other team in the division , and had Howell not taken the decision to stand down from the top flight , he could have been elevated to the Scottish senior international training squad this summer .
5 Vast masses of people were subject to conditions that would barely have been tolerated in the Dark Ages .
6 There is an habitual inability to see the logical wood for the emotional trees , as the less discerning will have been proving since the final whistle sounded at Celtic Park .
7 Another 20 who can not face seeing the area have been invited to the British ambassador 's villa at Kakami .
8 Geologists , mapping the site , found it difficult to understand how they could have been shaped by the normal forces of erosion .
9 I came to believe that Yá2wshu must have been descended from the importunate widow , for he seldom left me alone in those early months , and I was glad to crawl under my mosquito net at night , only to be woken at earliest dawn by my faithful and dutiful friend .
10 Here and there minor changes in field boundaries may have been made during the past 150 or 200 years , but on the whole the enclosure map lays down the present-day pattern exactly .
11 Still it suggests that some profit might even have been made of the Tilberthwaite work .
12 The purchaser claimed under two heads , first for the capital loss and secondly for his loss of profits — the latter head being based on the difference over three years between the profits made at the machine 's actual rate of output and the higher profits which would have been made at the warranted rate of output .
13 Although the game against the All Blacks was entertaining , the flaws in the Boks line-up were evident to see and changes should have been made for the following encounter with the World Champions .
14 Originally this would have been made with the Moroccan pastry ouarka , but filo pastry is fine .
15 The entry into Jerusalem can only have been made with the calculated design of identifying himself , very specifically in the eyes of the populace , with the expected Messiah — in other words , with the rightful king , the ‘ anointed one ’ .
16 A contemporary Shirvan rug , for example ( pl. 24 ) , may have been made in the Shirvan area — now part of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan — but it could just as easily have come from any of the Soviet weaving centres producing Caucasian-style rugs .
17 She argued that the history of " scum " should have alerted the IBA to its controversial nature , and that any decision to screen it should have been made by the appointed members of the Authority , and not by their executive staff .
18 An invention that might have been made by the chemical industry 50 years previously , was ultimately forced on it from outside .
19 It could have been made by the indigenous people immediately after the conquest , or alternatively features such as the teeth could have been cut much later on the head .
20 Found hidden in a cist at Ballynaughton were 74 coins , the latest of which was an Elizabeth issue before 1561 , so they must have been deposited in the early part of her reign .
21 He must have been born in the middle ‘ thirties , when hunger was already rampant .
22 In deference to custom , there was a party in the child 's honour , central to which was a dish of peas , which symbolises the lessening of grief to those who have been in sorrow — never far from the Jewish consciousness , and of particular relevance to this family ; a copy of the scriptures was placed in the child 's hands , along with a pen — how especially appropriate for this child ! — which will have been followed by the usual Talmudic discussions in which , no doubt , Lyon and Solomon will have capped each other 's comments .
23 Access to the adjoining land may well have been provided by means of a road or ’ hammerhead ’ and the road will almost certainly have been adopted by the local authority .
24 Moreover , the government 's attitude would undoubtedly have been coloured by the intriguing possibility of having one of its most prominent members — namely , Michael Foot — among the defendants at the Old Bailey .
25 Had the Opposition wished to debate the issues , they should have delayed their prayers until after today 's debate and that debate could have been arranged through the usual channels .
26 Although Mill may have been thinking of the romantic poet speaking gloomily to himself , here Leapor holds out the prospect of good gossip , and the reader is set to overhear the conversation :
27 Elise 's name would no doubt have been upgraded to the slim personal pocket-diary which Luke carried .
28 A more practical possibility is that such low-mass black holes might have been formed in the high temperatures and pressures of the very early universe .
29 The case for the removing of NTBs leading to a fundamental reconstruction of the economy of the EC may have been overestimated by the Cecchini Report .
30 Clifford Smyth stresses the damage that would have been done to the electoral appeal of the DUP if it had been too closely associated with the Free Presbyterian Church and offers this as the main reason why the Presbytery of the Free Church refused to allow ministers other than Paisley and Beattie to stand as DUP candidates .
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