Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As we may have to wait even until the summer , tempers may get a little tetchy , as last night 's closing session proved .
2 You will only have to cancel once for the message to be understood .
3 They 'll have to go again by the sounds of it .
4 No , he would lose time rather than gain it , and a horse would be little help to him , for he 'd have to go downstream to the ford .
5 Now you 've found the chamber have n't you , under the bed , so you wo n't have to go far in the night . ’
6 The company may have to report regularly to the chargee and if the company gets into financial difficulties , the chargee may be made privy to management decisions .
7 The member states will also have to report annually to the commission on the amount and type of waste shipped .
8 But they did not have to search far for the Bishop 's secretary : as soon as he saw the pageant wagon , he bore down on it .
9 For example , if some of the roses will be perfumed , then ideally they should be placed near the path , so that you can smell the scent as you walk past and , if you wish to bury your nose in the flower , you wo n't have to trample halfway over the flower bed to reach the appropriate bloom .
10 It seems an odd time to be holding a political meeting , and Neil may have to come straight from the Palace , but the organisers say that all the participants have pledged to attend .
11 Gran : ‘ This place is great , we 'll have to come again without the children ! ’
12 Any licence holder wanting to open beyond those guideline hours will have to appear personally before the board to argue special circumstances .
13 Discussions concerning the contentious issue of Bougainville 's future status were deferred , although many commentators speculated that , if the agreement was to hold , it would have to lead ultimately to the granting of greater autonomy to PNG 's North Solomons province which encompassed Bougainville .
14 A purpose-built waterfall will obviously have to conform visually to the site and fulfil its function of delivering water from a higher area to a pool below .
15 Thus , unlike the others , the mountain goat does not have to walk continuously on the sides of its hooves : when it is leaping or running , the side of the hoof will give , bringing a much greater area of the toe into contact with the ground and greatly increasing the animal 's ability to keep a grip on the icy rock .
16 It may be an appointment to meet a business colleague , or a promise to collect the children from a party so that they do not have to walk home in the dark .
17 With the stake firmed in the hole , hold the tree up with a simple string loop , and plant it just as you would for a bush — except that , without the bud to go by , you will have to look carefully for the soil ‘ tide mark ’ where it was growing in the nursery and finish off to that height , with the standard stem about 1½–2 inches ( 4–5cm ) from the stake .
18 ‘ We do n't have to stick slavishly to the programme do we ? ’ said Mervyn .
19 Unless a Guardian ad Litem ( GAL ) is appointed , they may have to do so without the assistance of a welfare report .
20 We 'll still have to do all round the doors , round the you know .
21 He also did n't have to queue outside in the cold like the rest of us .
22 The result will be that it dumps everything that has been transferred and you will have to start again from the beginning !
23 It had been his first and only history lesson , and throughout their hungry and needy years in Bunarkaig he never lost the sense that they lived under threat , that government was pitiless , and that some day they would have to fight again for the right to live at peace in their own place .
24 You 'd have to fence right along the bridge and completely block it .
25 THE end of the royal marriage means that the couple will never again have to live together in the homes they grew to hate .
26 You 'll have to stay even through the night , if necessary .
27 ‘ Mr Heathcliff , I 'll have to stay here for the night ! ’
28 He is equally not going to be very happy with hearing that he certainly can have a jetliner on exclusive standby , but will have to pay heavily for the privilege .
29 If the adverbials in the above examples were not included in the clause , one would have to rely entirely on the context to establish the time of the event .
30 The old standards of nursing management having superior status to clinical nurses are gradually phasing themselves out , and certainly in the future you will not have to move away from the bedside solely to boost levels of pay .
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