Example sentences of "have [be] [verb] as [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Jovially swapping innuendos which a year earlier would have been seen as bad taste sexism by the singer .
2 Taking my situation instanced earlier , the event ( of a cheque which would have caused a negative balance ) and its context ( a good credit history over 20 years , small mortgage in relation to the property value and an otherwise steady income ) could have been exploited as clear marketing opportunities .
3 Such cases will often have been treated as acute cystitis for a day or two , and may present to the casualty department or emergency room with a bladder so swollen that it mimics a twenty week pregnancy .
4 His death would have been diagnosed as extreme negligence as although Roger did drop a huge stone on him , he did not mean to kill him .
5 Wallace 's line existed because there was one particular strait , between the islands of Bali and Lombok , that was so deep that it could never have been exposed as dry land in recent geological times .
6 Such lists would have been regarded as underground literature during Sir Keith Joseph 's tenure .
7 There are unlikely to be any Scottish Conservative Back Benchers either , not only because there are so few of them but because none of them has participated in this debate , apart from a brief intervention by the hon. and learned member for Perth and Kinross ( Sir N. Fairbairn ) that could hardly have been described as serious participation .
8 Six surviving compositions may be ascribed with certainty to Plummer , namely two movements of a four-voiced tenor Mass with the antiphon ‘ Nesciens Mater ’ as its tenor , and three three-voiced settings of Marian antiphons which do not use the chant and must have been sung as votive memorial pieces ; his masterpiece , Anna Mater Matris Christi , sets a respond , again without the chant , in a remarkable texture of three equal tenors with an optional treble part riding above — certainly a fitting example of the art of the master of the chapel children .
9 Usually , however , there is little difficulty in assessing past pecuniary loss — indeed , in most cases it will have been agreed as special damage before the trial .
10 This is because , under FRS 3 , one-off items that would formerly have been classified as extraordinary will now be treated as ordinary and eps will , in any case , be calculated after extraordinary items .
11 Once it was clear that no demonstrations would take place , the students became nervous about the ‘ xuechao ’ and began to withdraw from any action which could have been construed as political activism .
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