Example sentences of "have [be] [verb] [prep] some [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many programmers realized that they had been programming things that should never have been taught at all , or that should have been taught by some other method or combination of methods .
2 Mama was rehearsing , that was all ; but it should perhaps have been kept for some other time .
3 In their view the Commission were giving Article 100A an unduly wide construction and were using it for proposals which should properly have been based on some alternative Article of the EEC Treaty , such as Article 100 or Article 235 , which required unanimity in the Council .
4 Second , he turned down a proposal from the Kennedy administration to create a Multilateral Nuclear Force ( MLF ) , in which British and French nuclear forces would have been integrated with some American forces under NATO command .
5 It must have been written by some exasperated editor receiving streams of verbose articles from amateur authors .
6 At the time I thought little more about it , but later I realized that it must have been caused by some powerful pain-killing drug .
7 The handler hurts the horse either deliberately or unknowingly : ‘ Small Brain ’ may favour an ear twitch ; ‘ Cold Heart ’ the whip , the ignorant or callous ill-fitting equipment ; and ‘ Hard Hands ’ the horse 's bit ; or the horse may have been hurt in some other way .
8 ‘ You are not suggesting that she might have been sacrificed in some demoniacal ritual , are you , Burney ? ’
9 Occasionally a light showed silver , faint in one of the streets below , and but for that , and for the sounds as their feet struck the timbers of a bridge , they might have been walking in some open courtyard instead of in narrow alleys raised between the walls of tall buildings .
10 Sophia tried to see her sister as a spinster and it was not so very difficult — a rather eccentric spinster not even looking as if she might once have been ennobled by some tragic love affair .
11 Its tally of 184,445 was its highest ever and it is likely that the personal vote for John Hume , its leader , in Foyle , and the conversion of Eddie McGrady 's marginal in South Down to a 600-plus majority , will have been boosted by some Protestant crossover .
12 His eyes gleamed with what might have been taken for some inner illumination .
13 The Prince was sitting quietly there , his hands clasped , staring down at the table , so silent he could have been taken for some studious monk ; his robes , however , were splendid , his fingers covered in precious rings , and his hair and golden beard carefully combed and oiled .
14 Installing an electronic publishing system can bring substantial benefits but it can equally bring headaches that would have been avoided by some simple preliminary investigations .
15 ‘ Well sir , we figured that the beer mats might have been stolen by some rival bar-owner .
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