Example sentences of "could [be] [verb] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the longer term , drugs could be developed to correct the genetic fault and reduce the risk to the estimated 250,000 women in Britain who carry the faulty gene .
2 The main thrust of the survey was to suggest how primary education could be developed to meet the educational requirements of children as well as the ever-changing needs of society .
3 If this were true , then men and women who are married to each other could be assumed to have the same standard of living .
4 Doubtless it could be arranged to give the right answers .
5 There was little doubt among those concerned that through education youth could be made to exhibit the appropriate values .
6 But , as working party chairman John Collier is well aware , that vision could be seen to undermine the existing generalist qualification .
7 There was little that could be done to improve the overall unkempt appearance , except to dig the whole lot up and start again , but , as Luther Reynolds told David on one occasion , ‘ I do n't use the bloody garden , so why should I waste precious money on it ?
8 In his report book he asked if something could be done to make the lunatic wards a little less depressing .
9 Prost could be said to represent the next generation of drivers and Niki the past .
10 Held , allowing the appeal , that it was not possible , in construing the expression ‘ any person ’ in section 238 of the Insolvency Act 1986 , to identify any particular limitation which could be said to represent the presumed intention of Parliament in enacting the legislation , and the words had to be given their literal meaning , unrestricted as to persons or territory ; and that the court , therefore , had jurisdiction under section 238 to make an order against a foreigner resident abroad ; that , having regard to the unambiguous terminology of rule 12.12(1) of the Insolvency Rules 1986 , the jurisdiction deriving from it to order service out of the jurisdiction was not to be confined , by analogy , to cases falling within R.S.C. , Ord. 11 , r. 1(1) ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's order would be set aside and the registrar 's order restored ( post , pp. 701A–D , 702E–F , 704C–D , G , H , 705B ) .
11 Certainly , the exhibitor could be required to remove the offending poster by virtue of section 5 .
12 It occurred to National Certificate staff that instead of programming say twenty subject assessors to different centres all over the country on a particular day , all twenty could be programmed to visit the same centre on the same day .
13 Only The Labour Party in Perspective by C. R. Attlee could be held to represent the official views of the Labour Party and Trade Union movement .
14 Some students felt they had been rather hard pressed in relation to their knowledge of chemistry , but Coleman rightly said that a properly educated gentleman could be expected to understand the general principles and applications of chemical science .
15 Although this was published by CAST in 1986 and focuses on the pre-revised Law modules , much of the material could be adapted to suit the revised provision .
16 The leader could be matched to the situation which suited his/her style or the situation could be changed to suit the particular style .
17 Those who campaigned against ‘ non-intervention ’ , however , clung to the belief that if Britain could be persuaded to join the Soviet Union in active resistance to fascism , then a general war could still be avoided .
18 One measure of the declining influence of the Soviet party was that at the last of three congresses several ruling parties ( the Yugoslav , Albanian , Chinese , Vietnamese and North Korean ) did not attend , and only sixty-one of the seventy-five parties present could be persuaded to sign the final communique without reservations although it made no reference to Soviet leadership of the movement and contained no explicit criticism of the Chinese .
19 But if unionists could be persuaded to accept the present Anglo-Irish Agreement , with increased local democracy , and if the SDLP would settle for a unionist input into cross-border institutions covering common interests like agriculture , tourism and roads , would this not be progress ?
20 If the public could be persuaded to accept the lowest-level nuclear waste in their backyard , then maybe the stakes could be increased .
21 Erm and also decide the dependence , draw up the network , decide the critical path and decide what action could be taken to reduce the overall project by three days .
22 Then he saw them lying on the ground , but not complete clubs , just the heads with their covers on , protruding from a detachable section that could be removed to expose the empty cylinder of the golf-bag .
23 It is a great pity that not one member of the Liberal Democratic party could be bothered to attend the European Standing Committee this morning , where we debated those matters for nearly two and a half hours .
24 Redbridge and Waltham Forest had accepted that there would be no major increase in revenue to fund the development of new services before closure and would plan on the basis that half of the sites of two hospitals could be sold to finance the new services .
25 If each local community offered a different menu of public goods expenditures , then each individual could be thought to select the local community that provided a level of output corresponding to his or her preferences .
26 The most obvious was that the River Bollin could be harnessed to power the spinning machinery .
27 I mean I , I rather suspect it was the , the former it was n't th the driving force was not to be the needs of the mass of the population , but the needs of the mass of the population could be used , could be harnessed to build the Red Army
28 How wonderful it would be if young people could be encouraged to visit the elderly , both in institutions and in their own homes !
29 Patients whose ability to take medicines is a critical issue could be encouraged to use the same community pharmacy on each occasion .
30 In particular , the lexical access component could be used to test the following hypothesis :
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