Example sentences of "could [not/n't] be [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The decision in Pickstone v. Freemans Plc. [ 1989 ] A.C. 66 which authorises the court to look at ministerial statements made in introducing regulations which could not be amended by Parliament is logically indistinguishable from such statements made in introducing a statutory provision which , though capable of amendment , was not in fact amended .
2 With some fish , but particularly carp , a situation was apparent whereby they refused to accept a bait on strong tackle , but could not be landed on tackle fine enough to fool them .
3 Ambition and power could not be swayed by love or foolish dreams , and the message was not lost on Rachel as she faced the reality of her marriage now that the honeymoon — how clichés suddenly made sense ! — was over .
4 Four of the 128 patients studied were excluded because H pylori was identified in histological specimens only and could not be confirmed by culture or CLO test .
5 The Northern Ireland Office would normally have ignored the moves by Jill Knight and Ian Paisely knowing that matters affecting a public corporation , such as the Housing Executive , could not be raised in Parliament and that , in lethargic Ulster , the matter would soon be forgotten .
6 On Nov. 22 elections , which on Nov. 10 had been called by President Hugh Desmond Hoyte for Dec. 16 , and which were constitutionally required to be held by Dec. 28 at the latest , were indefinitely postponed after the chairman of the Elections Commission , Rudolph Collins , warned that a proper electoral register could not be prepared in time .
7 The judgement led one observer to point out ruefully that there now existed a situation where two tribunals faced with similar circumstances could quite reasonably come to different conclusions , and that their rulings could not be overturned on appeal in the Interests of consistency ( IRS , 1985a ) .
8 As long ago as 1750 , Lord Hardwicke L.C. declared that it would be ‘ very mischievous ’ to seek to make one who was ‘ merely a witness ’ a party in order to obtain discovery ; even if he were properly examinable as a witness , his evidence could not be gathered in advance in this way .
9 The advance publicity for the show was very coy about this particular piece , promising us a surprise that could not be revealed in advance .
10 Each branch was developing its own way of coping with the environment , and progress in one direction could not be evaluated by comparison with any other .
11 However , such a policy could not be seen in isolation as it had implications for practice more generally , including procedures and training .
12 Clovenstone Triangle The council decided to delete the proposal from the south west Edinburgh local plan but if any competent objections should be received , which could not be withdrawn by negotiation , it could be necessary to hold a second public local inquiry .
13 Clovenstone Triangle– The council decided to delete the proposal from the south west Edinburgh local plan but if any competent objections should be received , which could not be withdrawn by negotiation , it could be necessary to hold a second public local inquiry .
14 If he aspired to something deeper , he must use deeper methods — methods which , alas , could not be applied in bulk .
15 The statistics mentioned by the authorities could not be accepted at face value .
16 She leaned closer to Alice , so that Alice could smell a warm perfume , reminiscent of a flower , the name of which could not be called to mind .
17 For example , the rate criterion for tachycardia detection could be chosen only by request from the factory and could not be altered after implantation .
18 In addition , by the use of the nomenklatura ( a list of important posts that could not be filled without party approval ) it controlled appointments to all significant offices ( Lane , 1985 , pp. 141–72 ) .
19 In any case , such a standardisation exercise would be an enormous project and could not be imposed in practice , and many decisions would remain essentially arbitrary .
20 The war caused such widespread damage and disruption to national economies and trading patterns that the system of pegged exchange rates could not be operated without recourse to exchange controls .
21 Mr Justice Vinelott , allowing the inspector 's appeal , said that the question of uncertainty in relation to s 247(8) could not be determined by reference to the inspector 's state of mind at the time when the assessment was made .
22 If keyboarding of the two texts could not be run in parallel , some other arrangement would have to be adopted which allowed the overlapping of phases .
23 If they could not be enlightened by persuasion it must be done by force .
24 Catholicism was a reasonable Faith , but like any other , it could not be justified by reason alone .
25 According to all the archival evidence available until very recently , there had apparently been no answer to 5 Corps ' almost desperate insistence on 23 May that the hand-over of the Cossacks could not be achieved without use of force .
26 National independence could not be achieved under capitalism , and under socialism it would be unnecessary .
27 In November 1915 , a Bukharin-Piatakov platform argued that national liberation could not be achieved within capitalism in its current form of imperialism ; to demand it was therefore to sow illusions and divert efforts away from the central task of worker revolution .
28 Whereas a person involved in the American Mafia could say , quite reasonably , ‘ what 's all the fuss about , we only kill each other ’ , the same could not be said in defence of some corporate crimes .
29 The Basque provinces , though they could not be taxed at will , were persuaded by Philip and his successors to provide the monarchy with considerable sums in the form of free gifts ( servicios ) .
30 However , the sluggish and top-heavy bureaucratic apparatus of the City Council could not be moved to action .
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