Example sentences of "could [be] see in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The haircut would have won the approval of an army officer and similar clothes could be seen in the windows of men 's outfitters in any high street , but the body inside them was unmistakably female .
2 The kingdom of God , he said , could be seen in the hearts of all who love and obey God now .
3 The ramparts of the moor could be seen in the distance , its peaks blurred against a leaden sky , their lower slopes wrapped in mist .
4 The circle could be seen in the discs of sun and moon and their related haloes and rainbows .
5 Much of the same inspiration could be seen in the army uniform , although soldiers will be allowed to choose between the kepi and a beret .
6 At that time several scholars , notably William Hoskins and Maurice Beresford , were drawing attention to the large number of deserted medieval settlements which could be seen in the landscape .
7 In one shot , Daine could be seen in the background while Rhonda was trying to scratch out the eyes of a competitor for his attentions , Arlene Dahl .
8 An echo of this could be seen in the fascination expressed by many middle-class men with the physical features of working-class women and in the concurrent attempts at sexual colonisation embodied in prostitution of working-class girls .
9 Increasingly Moran could be seen in the fields staring idly at some task he should be completing .
10 As could be seen in The Graduate , Dustin had a compact and well-built body .
11 Treves wrote : ‘ As a specimen of humanity , Merrick was ignoble and repulsive ; but the spirit of Merrick , if it could be seen in the form of the living , would assume the figure of an upstanding and heroic man , smooth browed and clean of limb , and with eyes that flashed undaunted courage . ’
12 The inadequacies of management in state enterprises have been described in dramatic terms by several Nigerian academic observers , one of whom wrote in 1974 that the reasons for the poor performance of the state-owned sector could be seen in the words of one observer ‘ in the over centralization of authority … inspired by sheer love of power ’ or by another :
13 But the fact is that there might be persons eager to oppose the operation of the trust , and vested interests in declaring that no legal intention could be seen in the words used by the testator .
14 It widened but nothing could be seen in the gap , save for the path ahead , winding on down to the valley .
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