Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [prep] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He should be grappling with the problem of how to stay alive , but instead could think of nothing but the problem of Jess .
2 He paused , seeking a modest answer , but could think of nothing but the truth .
3 Robbie could think of nothing but the deep growing ache around which every sense seemed focused .
4 But can you think of anybody for yourself who you could think of who over the recently or over the in the past few centuries or closer to home have shown the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives ?
5 As soon as Angela could think of anything except the pain of returning circulation she saw that they were outside the gate of a walled enclosure .
6 In the context of a head 's report dealing with special needs the decision required could relate to anything from the building of a new unit to the provision of additional welfare or teaching assistance for an individual pupil .
7 There was quite a wide space between stone and stone , but Jenny felt sure that she could jump from one to the other quite easily .
8 I sought guidance earlier , Mr. Deputy Speaker , and was advised that one could speak on anything in the Queen 's Speech , but if that is incorrect I shall confine my remarks to the council tax .
9 Walter Legge liked to tell the story — I think as an example of both your musicianship and your tactical skills — that at the graduation class in Vienna you chose the Overture to Rossini 's Guillaume Tell and then sent everyone away except the cellos so you could show exactly what you could do with them in the opening bars of the piece .
10 He rubbed his chin absently on the top of Tessa 's head , so that he could look over it at the girl .
11 Allen could look after himself in the forest .
12 Likewise , Mr Clark has had to explain that his remark to Mr Lamont ( ‘ I can see you were n't at Eton ’ ) is derogatory not of the chancellor but of Mr Clark 's alma mater , where ‘ you were surrounded by shits and knew what shits were , the sort of people who could vote against Her in the first round .
13 Ministers have taken the decision despite warnings from some civil servants that their failure to fund research into nuclear safety could backfire on them at the Sizewell public inquiry now under way in Suffolk .
14 One hundred and seventy-five people is the best estimate that the senior chief inspector and I could produce between us of the numbers required to carry out the functions of the new independent HMI .
15 Determined to shoot one with a really fine head , I decided to spend a night near the mountain-top so that I could hunt for them in the early morning before they lay up for the day .
16 He picked up the wafer of liquid crystal which represented himself and stared at the High Priest 's face , his own , wishing that his own image could confide in him in the same way that the Harlequin had .
17 A woman had sold her home and handed over to her son the £4000 proceeds , on condition that she could live with him in the house he bought with the money .
18 She fumbled in her pocket for more change but before she could get in it into the coin slot she heard the click .
19 ‘ If you could talk to her about the amnio … ’
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