Example sentences of "could [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He also pointed out , though somewhat less convincingly , that some geological structures could be traced from one continent to another across what are now wide stretches of ocean .
2 Nothing nakedly visible , indeed not even a faltering step could be discerned during this event but the imprint was there , the unsettling moment had begun .
3 She was aware that these could be developed by investigative work , but once she became immersed in the new curriculum , struggling on occasions to keep her head above water , she began to lose sight of these objectives , focusing instead on the more familiar content objectives .
4 We estimate that approximately 30 of our units could be developed in this way .
5 So what would be the worst possible picture we could be faced with next year ?
6 The SE would be a hybrid ( and to this extent some of the original purpose of the SE has been lost ) ; it would be incorporated in a particular Member State , whose domestic laws would govern certain aspects of its operations ( e.g. insolvency ) , but its registered office could be transferred to another Member State .
7 Boris Pyankov , discussed which sections of the armed forces stationed in the republic could be transferred to Moldovan control .
8 To start with a relatively easy issue , part of the funds raised could be channelled into public sector investment projects , of which there is presently in Britain a substantial backlog ( e.g. modernisation of the railways , energy conservation measures , renewal of urban sewage systems , accelerated house-building programme ) .
9 One important consequence of this research was his discovery in 1884 that isoprene ( the building block of natural rubber ) could be prepared by passing turpentine oil vapour through a red-hot iron tube .
10 Thereafter , warrants were issued for only two months , though they could be renewed for one month at a time in the case of those issued to the police , and six months at a time in the case of those issued to the security services .
11 It was then that I began to understand how archaeologists could be led into serious error if they decided in advance what they were going to find .
12 What they did deny were ‘ indicative ’ signs , by which we could be led to indirect knowledge of something naturally hidden , such as pores in the skin .
13 It seems clear that , with careful safeguards , we need some legal machinery , similar to the provision of Place of Safety Orders for children , by which an old person could be received into residential care for their own protection , at least for a limited period of time , which would afford a breathing space for all concerned and enable a proper assessment to be made of the situation — including the wishes of the old person once they were out of the violent or neglectful environment .
14 Because almost all general locations round York could be could be fulfilled by that criterion .
15 The prey could be placed with regular spacing , or at random , or clumped in groups .
16 By having the firms with low marginal reduction costs contract further and firms with high marginal reduction costs contract less , the same total reduction in pollution could be achieved at less cost .
17 Often better listening-conditions could be achieved at little cost .
18 This process necessarily involved some redundancies , but it was found that many of the reductions could be achieved through natural wastage , and it was possible to offer a considerable number of employees transfers to the St Helens or Northwich breweries .
19 From the perspective of the NHS , considerable health gains and reductions in expenditure over the longer term could be achieved by expanding health promotion work with older people , a previously neglected group .
20 Although all felt that they had found a means of living which enabled them to be open to this reality , they nevertheless say that it was experienced as a gift and a grace beyond anything that could be achieved by conscious effort .
21 Written resolutions can not be used to remove directors and auditors , but the s 382B procedure would seem to be available , so that removal of a non-member director or the auditor without a meeting or without director or auditor representation could be achieved in that way .
22 This does not necessarily imply great changes , however , and could be achieved in large part through a reformulation of existing practice , such as job titles and review systems .
23 Within this region , as Professor Hoskins suggested , there are various names and alignments which raise questions in the mind of any landscape historian , questions which could be asked of any part of England .
24 It was argued that a solicitor affected by this could be represented by another solicitor after exchange of contract , so that that other solicitor could give the report on title to the lender and receive the mortgage advance .
25 Philosophically , it could be argued in any case that most or all words present analogous difficulties , and need to be put in scare quotes ( " the 'topic' of this 'essay' is the 'issue' of the 'author's ' 'intentions ' " , etc . ) .
26 The creation of a large stock of basic monitoring data would permit the identification of particular sub-groups of clients , and/or of particular teams or departmental mechanisms , which could be studied in greater depth .
27 Thus this pool of resources could be invested in working capital , in fixed assets , or in financial assets ; or it could be spent on wages , supplies , or overheads ; or it could be distributed as dividends or used to repay debt .
28 This meant that an individual book took longer to print than it might have done if all the workmen had concentrated on it alone ; but also that , by utilizing plant and labour less wastefully , all the books could be printed in less time altogether , and at less cost , than they would have been by serial production .
29 The value of " chips " , which could be converted into ready cash , is clear .
30 Depends how much ma if you , maybe new P C these days , it would normally have it already on it four thousand K of memory , and three thousand left could be converted to expanded memory , but it 's not worth it only use five hundred K of it probably .
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