Example sentences of "could [adv] be [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Between them , they boasted only one painting which could properly be described as a masterpiece , a playful double portrait by Allan Ramsay which featured at Christie 's , while both catalogues were padded with dull works , as is usual in this category of art .
2 It was recognised in these cases that an indeterminate sentence could properly be passed in a case where dangerousness arose from a non-treatable personality disorder .
3 the cable that was demonstrated in the magazine was a little like a lobster claw cable , or could perhaps be described as a three-way plait .
4 Once mistaken for a joker , he could henceforth be seen as a crank : an important advance in reputation , though this playful and darting mind was seldom so serious as when it was spoofing , or so earnest in intent as when making a joke .
5 One PC complained at length to a sergeant that the ‘ ground ’ where they both worked had become much quieter ; he looked back with nostalgia to the old days when the ground was much ‘ harder ’ and ‘ you could literally be strolling past a pub and a bloke would come staggering out with a knife in his back … ’
6 some defect or deficiency in the site upon which the rebuilding or reinstatement is to take place [ would render the same impossible or would mean that the same could only be undertaken at a cost that would be unreasonable in all the circumstances ]
7 The community was something more than a collection of species working together for mutual advantage — it obeyed laws that could only be understood at a level transcending that of the individual organisms .
8 and Otton J. ) affirmed his acquittal by the Crown Court ( which had allowed an appeal against conviction by justices ) on the ground that the defendant , when required to give blood , had raised an objection capable of amounting to a medical reason why blood should not be taken and that this could only be determined by a medical practitioner .
9 The manner in which death came to men , including those innocent of any offence , could be so appalling that the final stroke could only be regarded as a merciful relief .
10 In the sphere of business entities , public companies limited by shares could only be formed with foreign capital participation under an Act of 1875 and under a 1972 Decree of the Minister of Trade , and limited liability companies could only be incorporated under a 1930 Act .
11 Even if ( and I do not accept this at all ) neutrality could only be justified as a means to a fair contest , it should not be identified with action securing a fair contest .
12 The SD in the industrial town of Schweinfurt in Lower Franconia reported complaints in March 1941 from the poorer sections of the population that badges bearing a picture of the Führer could only be obtained through a sizeable contribution to Winter Aid collectors , and that there were too few to satisfy the demand .
13 Incidentally it should be remembered that the first picture ( Fig. 22.3 ) is actually the second stage of the sequence , because this pattern is itself the consequence of an instability that occurs only if the Rayleigh number is high enough ( Sections 22.2 , 22.3 ) ; however the first stage could only be represented by a picture which was ‘ a perfect and absolute blank ’ .
14 The latter urged far-reaching reforms that could only be implemented by a revolutionary dictatorship , which would need to realign itself internationally in order to secure protection against the United States .
15 Salvation could only be sought with a leader who possessed personal power and was prepared to take personal responsibility , sweeping away the causes of the misery and the faceless politicians and bureaucrats who prevail over it , and seeming to impose his own personal power upon the force of history itself .
16 It could only be followed for a limited period of time .
17 The refugee presence in neighbouring countries made the Palestine question highly visible , while from an Arab perspective the creation of Israel could only be seen as a smack in the face of the Arab nation .
18 Although Buckingham was to take possession in most cases only as offices fell vacant , the existence of such a powerful reversionary interest could only be seen as a threat by existing office holders .
19 Although Buckingham was to take possession in most cases only as offices fell vacant , the existence of such a powerful reversionary interest could only be seen as a threat by existing office holders .
20 Lord Osborne told the accused that it was a very serious offence and the happy feature of the case was that the baby had apparently not suffered very much at all in the long term — and this could only be seen as a miracle .
21 I have declined to act as external examiner to candidates whose subject or thesis title seemed to be so dubious that a successful treatment of it could only be done by a candidate of exceptional brilliance ; in such cases it is likely that the candidate has had inadequate or misguided supervision .
22 At the end of this period , it could only be overturned by a 75 per cent majority of all states attending a Treaty conference , which must include the current 26 voting members .
23 For many Keynesians , and certainly Keynes himself , the celebrated ‘ problem of money wages ’ was essentially one which could only be tackled on a political as opposed to an economic front .
24 In an eight to one decision on June 25 the Supreme Court ruled that a person had the right to refuse life-sustaining medical treatment , but that such treatment could only be withheld from a comatose person if there were convincing evidence that they would not have wished to continue their life in a debilitated state .
25 Let me hasten to say that in many schools , particularly in the West Riding , fine education took place , but far from it helping to increase drama in schools , it had the reverse effect for two reasons : ( 1 ) it appeared once more to be something that could only be handled by a specialist — this time a P.E .
26 If these currents are confined , at every point along the beach the addition of more and more water could only be handled by a continuous acceleration of the current , which does not occur .
27 It could only be given to a child in very mild doses because excessive use could cause ‘ retard growth and lasting disfiguration ’ .
28 As for confession , which had been allowed to laymen , this was to be undertaken only when the penitent was in mortal danger : the emphasis now was not on contrition but on absolution which could only be given by a priest .
29 While most of the strands from which the new synthesis would be woven are already visible before the war , they could only be patterned into a new web within the altered conditions of the university in society , and in the " national life " of the post-war era .
30 I admit that the vast majority of contributors are women , but this is one occasion when the article I 'm thinking of could only be written by a man .
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