Example sentences of "could [adv] [vb infin] [pers pn] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hebbert and McFall do , Hebbert decided , and he persuaded his partner they could not leave it at that after such a long flog up the mountainside .
2 ‘ I do n't — yes , I could do that , ’ said Caspar , who could not do it at all , but could see that there was no other answer to be given .
3 But when I later tried to find my way back to the dining-room to finish my meal , which should have been a simple thing to do , I just could not locate it at all .
4 Maggie 's face flushed hotly and she was glad that Ana could not see her at that moment .
5 Robert could not understand it at first , but , after he put his ear back to the window , it resolved itself into two syllables :
6 Often they could not find them at all .
7 My parents had died when I was a baby , so I could not remember them at all , but quite often I used to visit the churchyard , about a mile from the village , to look at their names on their gravestones .
8 You could just see them at low water and er that was one of the danger points but I 've never seen ships coming close to Skerrymor at all .
9 The delicacy of his touch as he stroked her was such that Julia could hardly feel it at all , and yet it aroused in her a longing for him that she had never before experienced .
10 She could always watch it at nine , though this was not the same .
11 But I could n't leave it at that .
12 The registry office could n't marry them at such short notice and they must wait until the following day .
13 My leg had gone completely to sleep and I could n't feel it at all , but I managed to hobble to the door , collecting fourpence out of my wallet , and down the stairs to the first landing where the telephone was .
14 Derby winner Dr Devious also raced freely before weakening into 10th and jockey Chris McCarron , who replaced regular rider John Reid , reported afterwards : ‘ I could n't control him at all . ’
15 She said she 's absolutely brilliant she said you could n't fault her at all .
16 I could n't stand chemistry anyway , could n't understand it at all , the atoms and the neutrons and all that .
17 She looked sad and Jenna could n't understand it at all .
18 so , you know , I looked under the bonnet , I could n't understand it at all tt , er , so I eventually got a lift and got a ride down into Malham and er , went in the telephone box there
19 It bothered him to let her go like this , but she 'd insisted ; for a while he could n't see her at all , until she reached the skyline and stopped for a moment .
20 I wriggled until I could peer over the edge into the wet depths below and I could n't see him at all .
21 He said , ‘ There was such a crowd round the chap on the table I could n't see him at first .
22 Edge on , you could n't see it at all .
23 There is a rather improbable story that , when Captain cook first sailed into Botany Bay , Australia , the size of his ship was so far beyond anything that the local aborigines had ever seen that they could n't see it at all .
24 The driver could n't find him at first as only the top of his helmet was visible .
25 I suspected about his thieving , but I could n't prove it at that stage .
26 She could n't turn it at first ; she fumbled and wrenched and then made herself try again , without forcing .
27 No , she could n't help them at all .
28 Could n't help it at first , but we 've become friends .
29 She could n't remember it at all .
30 Oh , no I put a six where a five should be , in my pin number , that 's all I did , but I just , I just stood there and my mind just completely went blank , I could n't remember it at all .
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