Example sentences of "could [pron] [adv] [be] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Could we not be told that after Wellesley 's magnificent Arabian charger , Diomed , left him by a brother officer killed in a squalid duel , was piked at Assaye he insisted he should be nursed back to fitness and not put down like the other wounded horses ?
2 On the other hand , could it also be argued that without this form of population control there might be an over-population of some wild species and that nature would have to find some other way of correcting it ?
3 In neither instance could it reasonably be said that student choice was as wide open as the Shores model would require , and the main area of decision was at what time to go to one 's carrel and enter the process .
4 But could it not be argued that the RSPCA , and others who carry out such a praiseworthy activity , are interfering with the natural selection process ?
5 If an individual or the members of a firm may sue for a libel imputing to them insolvency , because of the damage which such a libel is calculated to do them in relation to their business , could it possibly be maintained that a trading corporation could not sue for a like libel ? …
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