Example sentences of "could only [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For Schopenhauer , valuable as all the arts were , music was the art which uniquely penetrated the depths of metaphysical reality and expressed the essence of that reality , the will , directly : " the composer reveals the innermost nature of the world and expresses the deepest wisdom in a language which his rational faculty does not understand " , Words , on the other hand , like the instruments of reason that they are , could only intrude from the secondary world of physical phenomena , with which true music was not concerned .
2 Warned that she could only stay for a few moments , Laura had sat down quietly in a chair beside the bed , taking her cousin 's inert , pale hand and praying , as she had never prayed before , that Liz would be able to survive her ordeal .
3 But , he favoured her with what she could only perceive as a reassuring smile when , ‘ I 'm on my way to Mariánské Láznë myself , ’ he commented easily , ‘ so that 's one problem you can forget . ’
4 Martin Cruz Smith has an intriguing hero to play with ; if he could only Strive For a Decisive Upswing in Plot Design , his mastery of the chilly thriller would be complete .
5 In the meantime they could only speculate about the revealed cosmos .
6 But it was probably too late to persuade Bigwig to be gentle : he could only hope for the best .
7 ‘ And if I could only reach inside the back pocket of my jeans , I 'd show you the paperwork to prove it . ’
8 Having heard of her relationship with John , the Girls looked at her in fascination , and could only talk about the wonderful clothes this woman wore .
9 The requisite consent and authority to establish the relationship could only exist in the International Tin Agreement .
10 In England obituaries regretted that he had not appeared more regularly for his country , while in Dunedin cricketers could only dream of the great things Jack Crawford might have done for Otago cricket … if only a World War had not interfered with something as important as cricket .
11 Indifferently magnificent , it sneered back at my eager camera lens , which could only fit in a pitiful few floors .
12 Shakespeare evidently shared Donne 's dissatisfaction with the extant convention , agreed with him that unfulfilled love was a trope that could only lead to a limited number of stereotyped situations .
13 The appetite for power these immense forces display worried Stead , and he argued their style could only lead to an autocratic national system with a minister of central government at the apex .
14 When man and woman were innocent the Evil One 's power was not great enough to take the world by force : he could only operate outside the human race as a whisperer of lies and delusions .
15 Hareven , in her discussion of early industrial society in America ( 1978 ) , suggests that this type of exchange was more common than sharing households , but that it could only operate on a reciprocal basis .
16 But his tortured mind could only come to the same conclusion .
17 So , if we knew that P was the first letter of a word we would know that the second letter could only come from a small group , and that A , E , I , O , and U are the most likely candidates , H and S are less likely but possible , and F and N very unlikely , but not impossible .
18 At Ashburnham , Brown created a late eighteenth-century sense of ‘ wilderness ’ that could only come from the utmost ingenuity ; sudden ‘ surprise ’ views of the house replaced the structured avenues and rigid vistas of earlier occupants .
19 A speechless ape presumably has some sort of feeling for the opposition " I " / " Other " , perhaps even for its expanded version " We " / " They " , but the still more grandiose " Natural " / " Supernatural " ( " Man " / " God " ) could only occur within a linguistic frame .
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