Example sentences of "could also [verb] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This ruling could also represent a windfall to many printers ’ .
2 It could also set a precedent for other governments — like Thailand and Malaysia — which have both pushed boat people back out to sea .
3 The recent growth of population meant that a smaller proportion of the workforce than before could also farm a smallholding in the manner of their ancestors ; many of them were now occupied full-time at their craft and both their cottage and their loom were rented from the manufacturers .
4 Highly-rated midfielder Gary Owers could also start a game for the first time in over three months , depending on Bracewell 's condition .
5 He could also make an error of judgement in his choice of sailors , at least one of whom turned on him the moment they were inside the door and threatened to beat him up if he did not hand over money .
6 It could also mean a study of an open-ended nature usually with a mathematical theme ( e.g. pattern spotting using numbers and/or shapes ) or shorter pieces of work prompted by the " what happens if … ? " type of question .
7 It could also mean a commitment to an East Coast motorway or improved rail services to the North-East . ’
8 Broadly , of course , it meant pro-Russian or pro-Communist but it could also mean an opponent of big business or of big unionism or a proponent of birth control or atheism .
9 Accordingly , he attempted to shift Marxism away from orthodox theories of an absolute determinism towards the primacy of a concept of ‘ History ’ which , while still a totality as it had been for Lukács , a process with a determinate meaning and end , could also include a concept of human agency and thus articulate the individual with the social , freedom with determinism .
10 Third World industry could also become an ally in promoting efficient technology .
11 The Lookalike competition could also provide a chance for using your imagination .
12 BALVAIRD Castle , near Bridge of Earn , is a fascinating illustration of how a late medieval tower-house could also provide a residence of great comfort and convenience for its occupants .
13 WOLVES fancy Blackpool forward David Eyres and they could also get a call from Chelsea , who may fancy Mike Stowell to end their search for a goalkeeper .
14 ‘ Completing your dog-training course could take a couple of months but it could also take a couple of years because of the waiting period . ’
15 It may be that the wearing of jewellery ( such as ear studs , as favoured by some groups ) could also pose a risk to safety in certain situations .
16 How far laymen would have disapproved of his behaviour is another matter , for concubinage of a type whereby a married man could also have a relationship with a woman who had a recognised position and whose children might share in the inheritance had been common among Germanic peoples , and may still have existed in England in Cnut 's day .
17 It could also have a bearing on its unusual style — no verbal testimonies from friends and colleagues , no old archive footage , just Van getting royally stoned on the music with some mates .
18 Cantors or animateurs could also have a place in those churches with a thriving musical tradition and they should not be regarded simply as emergency personnel .
19 He could also see a line of washing , which included , he realized to his delight , the clerical undergarments .
20 He could also play a variety of instruments ( and passed on this ability to his children ) and knew songs and melodies which had never been written down — just passed on from ear to ear via generations of Dalesmen .
21 That would cause a sharp slowdown in the economy next year , but could also herald an improvement in the UK 's record trade deficit .
22 Of course to avoid digging latrines , you could also stick a candle in whatever drips out of your bottom .
23 Indeed an inversion episode could also produce a redistribution of previously reservoired products as a result of structural readjustment .
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