Example sentences of "could be seen [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then in the distance , the 6ft wave could be seen for the first time roaring up river at 10 mph .
2 Jangling her keys more like a jailer than an attendant , she went to gaze out of a narrow window at what could be seen of the prosperous modern city , returning to peer over my shoulder and sniff .
3 The bomb-bursts could be seen through the huge pall of smoke and dust that hung over the city .
4 For him , at that time and in that position , everything that could be seen between the distant boundaries of blue hill and black mountain , everything that spread below him under a fathomless heaven , was resonant with new meaning , new speech , new glory .
5 Many features distinguish Wilson & Glick kitchens from others in a similar price bracket , making them exceptionally good value for money , as could be seen at the Ideal Home Exhibition which was even more successful ‘ the second time around ’ .
6 For , to take just one aspect of this notion of danger , just as crawling things could be seen as the negative side of things approved , so the flow of female blood , again in symbolic terms , could be seen as the negative side of the ideal concept of society as whole and self-contained .
7 For , to take just one aspect of this notion of danger , just as crawling things could be seen as the negative side of things approved , so the flow of female blood , again in symbolic terms , could be seen as the negative side of the ideal concept of society as whole and self-contained .
8 One was in the field of biogeography , where the migration of small populations to new areas could be seen as the chief cause of the branchings in the tree of life .
9 The rise in unemployment and the fall in output at the start of the decade could be seen as the low point of a cycle which started with the 1930s ' innovations in chemical industries and light engineering and generated the new consumer durable industries that fuelled the long post-Second-World-War boom .
10 A more wide-ranging reason is that love of things , especially artificial things , could be seen as the besetting sin of modern civilisation , and in a way a new one , not quite Avarice and not quite pride , but somehow attached to both ( see pp. 68 , 128 above ) .
11 The contradiction between the two could be seen in the nationalist movements which paved the way for independence , in which there was a constant tension between the attempt to build a genuine nationalist movement and the tendency for support to be delivered on a tribal basis .
12 A simple example of the effect of this fall in coal prices could be seen in the changing views on the conclusions of Sir Frank Layfield , the Sizewell Inquiry Inspector .
13 Thus , some of the best examples of British painting could be seen in the National Gallery and the Modern Art Museum , while the less important , but , for some , equally interesting , would have ample space of their own .
14 And as Morse left the pathology block , a quiet little smile of confidence could be seen around the chief inspector 's lips .
15 The effect , therefore , of only the first limb applying , ie before the change in the law bringing in the second limb , could be seen by the following example .
16 Even though the morning 's inclement weather prevented some aircraft from reaching Rendcomb , an interesting selection of display and visiting aircraft could be seen by the undaunted crown that turned up during the awful morning .
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