Example sentences of "could be [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 C. Dunlop and Walter Weldon [ q.v. ] had devised methods for converting this noxious waste to chlorine ( which could be profitably combined with lime to make bleaching powder ) but they were both expensive and wasteful .
2 Saltworks on the River Weaver could be economically supplied with Wigan 's coal to dry the salt .
3 Our knowledge of deliberate self-poisoning in young people indicates that such measures could be largely confined to girls .
4 where part of the site ( a substantial area ) could be environmentally improved by coaling or subsequent restoration ;
5 And , judging by the ABC 's World Cup ratings , the heightened interest in Australian rugby could be well served by night games .
6 The 5th and 30th are times when your feelings could be powerfully affected by events and with eclipses on the 9th and 24th , this is a month of heart-affecting revelations .
7 Buried in a box in the ground , the find was kept secret so that it could be properly excavated by Suffolk County 's archaeological department , headed by Judith Plouviez , the County Archaeology Officer .
8 But before his ‘ Flying Circus ’ could be properly established at Verdun , there came the shattering news on June 18th of the death of Immelmann .
9 In fact , he has an extraordinary repertoire of mannerisms , all of which could be reasonably mistaken for possession of one kind or another .
10 Only early photographs and documentary and other materials could begin to resolve some of the arguments and questions and it was at this point that material from the archives , old maps , early photographs , traveller 's descriptions , census records , trade directories , window tax or hearth tax assessments , and so on could be meaningfully introduced to children hungry for further knowledge .
11 Whatever the shape of the cavity it could be adequately filled with ball bearings .
12 The magazine , while interesting , is perhaps a perk that could be either decreased in frequency ( say twice yearly ) or paid for separately …
13 Advance notice of car movements had to be given , but no charge was made by either party and at last S.M.E.T. cars could be thoroughly overhauled at Hendon .
14 Thanks to its coastal location , it could be easily supplied with food and ammunition by sea if cut off by hostile forces from the lands .
15 Cassette tapes and rolls of film had to be posted the following day in envelopes that were tough enough not to burst and yet could be easily opened by customs officials .
16 If we can achieve this , we have gone a long way towards solving the axe typology problem since groups of similarly shaped axes would appear as distinct clusters on the page and could be easily identified by eye .
17 Rub it right into the roots ! ’ which could be clearly heard by Matilda in her bedroom across the corridor .
18 Thus , the kind of obtaining by deception which amounts to larceny by a trick and involves appropriation could be successfully prosecuted under section 1 , but the old false pretences type of obtaining by deception could not .
19 In 27 patients ( 96.4% ) bleeding could be successfully managed by injection of norepinephrine and polidocanol , in repeated sessions if needed .
20 The increasing demand for outdoor land and water-based sports suggests that disused reservoirs and gravel workings could be successfully redeveloped for recreation , and urban fringe farmers may well look to recreational activities to supplement their main income .
21 Sway Tower was built by Judge Peterson between 1879 and 1885 to prove that unreinforced concrete could be successfully used in building work .
22 Yet rather than forming a point between structure and agency , perhaps the role of community groups could be better represented in terms of a continuum between civil society and the state .
23 Some cardiologists complained that the heart could never be more than a temporary remedy and that the money spent on the research could be better used for drug therapies and other techniques .
24 David Lidington , the MP for Aylesbury whose constituency includes Stoke Mandeville Hospital , says the money could be better spent on people who are ill and on reducing waiting lists.Keith Hutchence reports .
25 And he fears Rangers could be virtually mugged into submission in the white-hot atmosphere of tonight 's match .
26 If I were to tell you that this record puts a dayglo platform DM so far up the mule 's rectum that its entrails squish through its clenched teeth , I do n't think that I could be justly accused of exaggeration .
27 In the 1950s , Ronald Melzack and Patrick Wall proposed the gate theory of pain , which held that the nerve impulses that conveyed the sensation of pain to the brain could be actively blocked by nerves in the spinal cord ( see Box ) .
28 Before quotas , about 50 per cent of the food energy going in to our dairy cows was in the form of cereals : food that could be directly used by man , because in those days it was cost-effective to get as much milk as possible out of individual cows .
29 They were schools , therefore , where progress in matching library provision to curriculum need had already begun , and where it was hoped that this impetus could be further developed through participation in the project and a grant in the region of £2,500 .
30 At the Delhi summit in 1983 the non-aligned states described the recognition of this status by Mediterranean and other states and their undertakings not to jeopardise it ‘ as an effective means of lessening tension and strengthening security in the Mediterranean , which could be further extended in future ’ .
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