Example sentences of "could be [verb] as the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Committee also recommended that the law should be changed so that the husband could be registered as the father .
2 NATO , when it was established in 1949 , could be represented as the revival of a war-time coalition rather than a realistic acceptance that Britain could no longer defend herself .
3 Inhibition has been seen as the insoluble problem of British movies : it could be represented as the source of their great potential .
4 It seemed to me that the discovery of Romans , Celts and Jews by the Greeks and their revaluation of Iranian civilization could be isolated as the subject of these Trevelyan lectures .
5 Easter was introduced in Rome about the year 160 , and as in Alexandria was celebrated on the Sunday following the Hebrew Passover , which for practical purposes could be reckoned as the Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox .
6 The negotiations took place over the course of a year between autumn 1990 and summer 1991 , and could be characterized as the centre progressively conceding to the demands of the republics for more independence .
7 That realisation is a product of the power of rational thought which came to the emerging ‘ human' ’ being in the course of the evolutionary process , for it is in remote retrospect that man can now see that the division of the first cell was a ‘ good ’ event , and had to be defined as such for the unanswerable reason that it could not have been anything else , otherwise there was nothing that could be defined as the origin of ‘ good ’ that was not dependent on dogma and superstition .
8 Computational Linguistics could be defined as the study of computer systems for understanding , generating and processing natural language [ Grishman , 1986 ] .
9 The government 's 1983 de-hospitalization pilot programme , followed by Griffiths investigation into community care , could be seen as the beginning of central direction of mental health services .
10 Although this was a far cry from the power and authority of a body like the United States Supreme Court , it nevertheless could be seen as the beginning of a practical appreciation of the concept of constitutionality as understood in the West .
11 Earlier in this book it was suggested that the idea of " popular power " could be seen as the core of the various ideas and conceptions of democracy .
12 In essence , the objective of a state-controlled natural monopoly could be seen as the maximization of social welfare emanating from the product in question .
13 On one level the policy of local agencies evolves in a way that is ‘ disjointed ’ and ‘ incremental ’ and could be seen as the antithesis of responsible party policy-making .
14 Or , finally , his failure to adapt himself in 1944 – 46 could be seen as the product of a genuine idealism .
15 But to do so could be seen as the prelude to a deliberate devaluation , rather than the logical consequence of the German action .
16 But although it could be seen as the fashion of protest — ‘ what could be more defiant at a time of recession and social decay than seemingly lavish , luxurious clothes ? ’
17 If culture and artistic developments are interpreted as integral aspects of the human social condition , a subgroup 's lack of artistic development could be seen as the result of its failure to develop an active social life , or as a reflection of the dehumanisation and suppression of that group .
18 They could be viewed as the organ within the living organism whose task it was to supply the basic necessity of capital without any need to accord them a fuller role within the enterprise .
19 Yukawa realised that the short-range attractive force between nuclear particles could be explained as the exchange of a massive intermediate particle .
20 In a paper written in 1905 , a few weeks before the famous paper on special relativity , Einstein pointed out that what was called Brownian motion — the irregular , random motion of small particles of dust suspended in a liquid — could be explained as the effect of atoms of the liquid colliding with the dust particles .
21 This failure could be explained as the product of political inexperience .
22 This fusion cell , which is technically known as a zygote , could be regarded as the foundation stone of the new individual .
23 Rural housing had been the first to receive attention because it could be regarded as the responsibility of each landowner ; but the housing in towns was literally nobody 's business and could pass unnoticed , just as factory hands could be laid off in a recession , as farming labourers with tied cottages could not .
24 This period could be regarded as the time when our service began to emerge from a kind of amateur status to that of a more professional one .
25 Thirdly , it is doubtful whether the General Strike could be regarded as the watershed in British labour history , which it is sometimes claimed to be , or that it changed in any significant form the pattern of industrial relations .
26 From this point of view the struggle to remove barriers could be regarded as the seed bed for human arts .
27 Instead of being perceived simply as agents of the shareholders the board of directors came to be viewed as an organ of the company which for many purposes could be treated as the company .
28 Its conception of the company as a real person or living organism suggested that the corporate managers could be treated as the brain of the organism formulating the policy of the company and directing its implementation by corporate executives .
29 Which point of speaker-change , among the many , could be treated as the end of one chunk of the conversation ?
30 The Gulf war could be described as the struggle for control of the post-cold war world order — a bid to retain American leadership , to establish a form of political regulation of the post-Fordist world economy that retains the Fordist political institutions .
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