Example sentences of "could not be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The decision in Pickstone v. Freemans Plc. [ 1989 ] A.C. 66 which authorises the court to look at ministerial statements made in introducing regulations which could not be amended by Parliament is logically indistinguishable from such statements made in introducing a statutory provision which , though capable of amendment , was not in fact amended .
2 Ambition and power could not be swayed by love or foolish dreams , and the message was not lost on Rachel as she faced the reality of her marriage now that the honeymoon — how clichés suddenly made sense ! — was over .
3 Four of the 128 patients studied were excluded because H pylori was identified in histological specimens only and could not be confirmed by culture or CLO test .
4 This Service would provide legal help to CABx and other social agencies , similar to that hitherto provided by solicitors to CABx on an honorary basis ; would establish close liaison between the local profession and CABx and other social services ; would provide oral advice for the public in cases that could be readily disposed of ; would maintain permanent advisory centres where necessary , offering advice and assistance short of proceedings or representation in court ; and would set up permanent local centres offering representation in magistrates ' courts and county courts and the conduct of litigation so far as this could not be absorbed by solicitors ' firms .
5 She had a lump in her throat and an enormous yearning to say something beautiful to her father , something that could not be expressed by words , and so without quite knowing how it happened she suddenly turned her head and with a smile tossed out her arm in the air , easily , flowing , as if to see each other many more times .
6 They called for the cancellation of the new timetable , declaring that the conditions for " reliable and open " elections could not be implemented by Feb. 23 .
7 Each branch was developing its own way of coping with the environment , and progress in one direction could not be evaluated by comparison with any other .
8 Clovenstone Triangle The council decided to delete the proposal from the south west Edinburgh local plan but if any competent objections should be received , which could not be withdrawn by negotiation , it could be necessary to hold a second public local inquiry .
9 Clovenstone Triangle– The council decided to delete the proposal from the south west Edinburgh local plan but if any competent objections should be received , which could not be withdrawn by negotiation , it could be necessary to hold a second public local inquiry .
10 The ebbs and flows of population movement could not be matched by changes in a local government structure which had become fixed in the pattern established in the nineteenth century .
11 These Courts held that since the Arab Organization for Industrialisation had its own legal identity separate from the four member States and enjoyed financial , procedural , and administrative autonomy , the latter could not be bound by obligations entered into on behalf of the Organisation .
12 Mr Justice Vinelott , allowing the inspector 's appeal , said that the question of uncertainty in relation to s 247(8) could not be determined by reference to the inspector 's state of mind at the time when the assessment was made .
13 If they could not be enlightened by persuasion it must be done by force .
14 They maintained that there should be nothing in Church doctrine , ceremonies or organisation which could not be justified by texts in the Scriptures .
15 Catholicism was a reasonable Faith , but like any other , it could not be justified by reason alone .
16 Accordingly leave to serve Lies out of the jurisdiction could not be justified by Cargolux under article 39 CMR paragraph 2 and Order 11 of the Rules of the Supreme Court .
17 The central problem was that the chronically unemployed could not be covered by insurance .
18 Most of the ‘ masters ’ of torture said that they had been fighting a desperate unseen war , whose atmosphere could not be imagined by people from democracies .
19 Clearly , an accurate account of the effects of social policy in the area of juvenile crime could not be undertaken by reference solely to official statistics .
20 There was a question that could not be answered by students outside London because
21 The gap between him and his pursuers widened ; and at the same moment , though they were invisible and their volley could not be followed by eye or ear , the Welsh archers deployed all along the rim of the forest loosed their shafts together .
22 And whether he were not in this dilemma ; that either his estate might enure for life , at his option ; and then according to Lord Coke such an estate would , in legal contemplation , be an estate for life ; which could not be created by parol : or if not for life , being for no assignable period , it must operate as a tenancy from year to year ; in which case it would be inconsistent with , and repugnant to the nature of such an estate , that it should not be determinable at the pleasure of either party giving the regular notice .
23 The bomb , he believed , could not be destroyed by counter bombs any more than violence could be countered by violence .
24 And if it were unpredictable , then while it would have an immediate effect on output , this could not be prevented by government policy since the government would not be able to foresee the fall in aggregate demand .
25 Note the steam pump on the basin side of the stop planks , used because of the lower level could not be drained by gravity .
26 The differences in gastrin could not be explained by differences in acid secretion or severity of renal failure and they postulated an unknown mechanism causing enhanced synthesis of gastrin .
27 These results could not be explained by expectations about the effects of influenza or by changes in mood , and they confirm findings at the Medical Research Council Common Cold Unit with experimentally induced illnesses .
28 Doctors who regularly failed to meet local standards could not be disciplined by management , only by their peers .
29 Western governments continued to insist that their policy aims could not be deflected by concern about the fate of their nationals trapped inside Iraq or Kuwait ; however , France in particular reacted strongly to forcible Iraqi action against diplomatic premises in Kuwait in mid-month .
30 The ore mixed with waste to such an extent that it could not be improved by hand was mixed with other low grade stuff and barrowed to the buckers whose job it was to reduce it to walnut size for delivery to Cornish roll-crushers and then to the stamps .
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