Example sentences of "could not [verb] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She walked alone in the silence , hearing her own muted footfalls like echoes of past or future , she could not distinguish one from the other .
2 ‘ We were told that we could not add anything to the pedestrian provision after the initial period .
3 I wanted a space blanket even more , but I could not take anything from the Land Rover for myself until the next settlement .
4 In their conclusions the researchers did warn , however , that the samples they studied were small and that they could not say anything about the long-term effects of increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation .
5 A path is now being beaten to the door of McGrain , who could not convince anybody in the game to give him a job in management for five years after he left Celtic .
6 But Ford could not get one in the new cap ! !
7 Erm , we , we could n't nominate anyone at the A G M , no one was willing to do it .
8 small room , you could n't leave anything on the walls so it would all be a come down at night , back up in the morning
9 The GenTech labs could n't do anything about the common cold and no government had been able to develop a workable public transport system , but when it came to deathware , why , there were wonderful new toys on the market every fall , just in time for Christmas .
10 And I could n't do anything about the body , could I ?
11 But , since she could n't do anything about the car situation until that wretched part had been delivered , should n't she concentrate her worries on what she could do something about ?
12 He so concentrated on his dialogue — I never had to reshoot a scene because Kenny fluffed a line — that he could n't do anything at the same time as he was talking . ’
13 So , they could n't do anything in the meantime .
14 You could n't have one without the other or there 'd be no room for us all .
15 What you 've got to rea no what you got to realise is the most obvious place for somebody would be on the bed but we could n't see anybody on the bed so the only other place is under the bed .
16 He could n't see anybody in the alley .
17 At first we could n't see anything on the white backing but then Eadred brought across a candle , held it near the page , not quite close enough to scorch , and sea-green writing began to appear .
18 At first he could n't see anything in the semi-darkness .
19 She could n't see anything in the corner .
20 He could n't see anything in the room and could n't hear any shouts or screams .
21 We could n't discuss anything in the place .
22 I could n't hear anything but the wind in the trees .
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