Example sentences of "could have been [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm the issue is is that potentially you could be goi we could 've been going for four point three extra people and we probably wo n't do that .
2 Links with parents and with associated schools — which were reported to be few and far between — could have been developed in this situation .
3 Horne could have been killed at any hour .
4 So you could have been killed by one of our own guns ?
5 It could have been caused by extensive lava flows or by a more extreme form of the sort of surface plasticity seen in many of the oldest surviving features .
6 ‘ It could have been caused by some sort of disaster or accident .
7 Not much enlightenment there ; the same reply could have been given at any time in the past four years .
8 Does the Secretary of State imagine that such figures could have been given to any other Parliament in the European Community — especially in a country that had enjoyed a North sea oil bonanza over the years ?
9 Georgi Markov , the Bulgarian dissident writer , recalled the first speech given by a new factory director which could have been given by any Romanian middle-ranking cynical conformist when put in charge of an operation by an arbitrary decision from the top .
10 And Barnsley 's advantage could have been cut from five to two points had Keegan 's side not lacked the creative nous to topple them .
11 Mutually important issues such as Cambodian instability , the security of Taiwan and Hong Kong , and tensions on the Korean peninsula ( which may have prompted the visits ) could have been handled through diplomatic channels without resort to secrecy , Mr Winston Lord , US ambassador to China until this year , pointed out yesterday .
12 ‘ TO SUPPOSE that the eye , with all its inimitable contrivances … could have been formed by natural selection , seems , I freely confess , absurd in the highest degree . ’
13 For example , our solar system is certainly a prerequisite for our existence , as is an earlier generation of nearby stars in which heavy elements could have been formed by nuclear synthesis .
14 In our example , Year 1 could have been charged with 5,000 , 4,000 or 2,500 .
15 It seemed almost impossible to many people that such tiny things as micro-organisms could have been fossilised at all .
16 A rough estimate of the amount of water that could have been entrained by this fireball is , where R is the radius of the fireball when its pressure has dropped to the ambient value ( several kilometres for a 10-Mton nuclear blast ) , and the density of atmospheric water vapour ( several times ) .
17 The tries , three in the first half , when the USA had the wind advantage , were well taken , leaving the USA to ponder how a game where they had parity in the scrums and very much the upper hand out of touch , winning the lines-out 16–5 , could have been lost by such a comprehensive margin .
18 Yeah , I mean , it could have been done with real honesty , but
19 The work was done , as it happens , on Sun and DEC workstations running UNIX , but , as far as this paper is concerned , could have been done on any networked computers .
20 Henry Parris , tutor-organiser for Northamptonshire who had previously served in a similar capacity in Yorkshire North District , also acknowledged that most of his organising work could have been done by voluntary members , given the time and opportunity to travel around the county .
21 ‘ All this could have been done in commercial machinery shops , but it would have cost a fortune , ’ he says .
22 In general , whereas previously a site of a new plant could have been selected in three to six months , it may now take two or more years .
23 The grey ovoid , some distance away , expanded and contracted in a movement which reminded Ace of nothing so much as chewing , although there was no way that she could see whereby the fruit could have been transmitted from one part of Legion to another .
24 Brian Inglis , a writer on the paranormal , said the spoof could have been damaging for those who had had ghostly experiences .
25 She could have been kidnapped for all I know .
26 This may partly reflect the fact that many aspects of the situation ( road layout , signs , shops etc. ) were deliberately excluded on the basis that they could have been obtained from previous local knowledge .
27 ‘ 37(1) Any notice , demand or order against which an appeal might be brought to a county court under this Part of this Act shall , if no such appeal is brought , become operative on the expiration of 21 days from the date of the service of the notice , demand or order , and shall be final and conclusive as to any matters which could have been raised on such an appeal , and any such notice , demand or order against which an appeal is brought shall , if and so far as it is confirmed by a county court judge , or the Court of Appeal , become operative as from the date of the final determination of the appeal .
28 What was decided in regard to the applicant Handscomb was that where the first review date predicated an equivalent determinate sentence well in excess of that which could have been imposed under established sentencing practice , there was impugnable unreasonableness .
29 Few enterprises , it says , could have been faced with such a daunting task .
30 Corporate America could have been damaged in other ways by the takeover spree .
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