Example sentences of "could be [vb pp] from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These could be hung from a decorative pole , perhaps set well above and extending beyond the sides of the door , to enable the curtains to be drawn well back .
2 A framework for justifying such transformations in the power structure of the company could be developed from the available set of legal ideas .
3 The one real consolation that could be salvaged from the whole sorry affair was that the system had worked in the end .
4 Yet integration could be achieved from the special-school base if policy did not discourage the placement of deaf people in such educational settings .
5 With horror and doubt on his face , the elder seizes a pitchfork and hurls it into the gangster 's back ’ It could be argued from the Kantian standpoint that the elder had failed in his duty by not upholding the sect 's fundamental principle of non-violence .
6 His confidence that God 's existence could be demonstrated from the natural world made him a favourite target for those who felt it could only be on the basis of God 's special revelation of Himself that faith could be justified .
7 Here , ready to hand , was the means by which political parties could be isolated from the physical force ( including the UWC with its trade union links ) wings of the loyalist army and brought naked into the constitutional convention .
8 But they had to be humoured before they could be diverted from the unobtainable to the treasure that was actually for sale .
9 Any cloths used on the table could be made from the same fabric as the main room curtains or upholstery .
10 This in turn affected how well the crystals could be separated from the caustic liquor and , ultimately , the effluent quality .
11 Before the already previewed 100MHz , mid-range Model 735 , which is reckoned to do 150 SPECmarks , 81 SPECint92 and 150 SPECfp92 ( UX No 407 ) , there is thought to be another 50MHz machine , possibly the 725/50 , which could be reached from the existing Model 720 via a board swap .
12 It is not enough to say that the visual system must contain edge detectors , one also has to say how edge information could be reconstructed from the retinal image and how far the units in the CNS that appear to respond to edges do , in fact , operate according to these computational principles .
13 However , parameters for them for individual writers could be extracted from an initial training phase for a script recognition system .
14 A probability was assigned to any word string that could be formed from the spoken input .
15 The intention was to attempt to educate staff at an early stage in the benefits which could be obtained from a computerized system .
16 As we have seen , scientia , or scientific knowledge as the seventeenth century understood it , was not something which could be obtained from an observation-based study of the natural world .
17 The case had been brought to the attention of the legal authorities when the family contacted the police to ask if a DNA genetic fingerprint could be obtained from the aborted foetus to provide legal evidence on the identity of the alleged rapist .
18 Why rely on such a volatile source of fuel for our power stations when a steady supply could be obtained from the magical uranium ?
19 From both the training and farm point of view it was important to know how easily release could be obtained from the off-farm job .
20 It could be distinguished from an opposing process , which produces a non-material consciousness .
21 However , he insisted that this could be distinguished from the cognitive validity of knowledge .
22 They were numbered 489–493 and could be distinguished from the earlier batch by their black rubber rear wings .
23 Second , the discovery of mineral resources and the consequent development of metallurgical industries in Transbaikal and the Altai demanded more manpower than could be met from the local populations , and hence acted as a loadstone for the attraction of the necessary personnel to work them , in the form of both voluntary and forced labour .
24 What I wish to argue here is that far more could be gained from a serious study of others ' methods and findings .
25 Recognising the value of this support from the credit industry , we believe however that still more could be gained from a new body set up to promote money management education , both in schools and outside .
26 How extraordinary that people her own age should believe such grotesque , non-scientific ideas as that a man could be resurrected from the dead after , and a horrible thought it was , after being crucified ; and how fantastic that they should believe that all the dead would rise from their graves — all of them , those countless millions , millions upon millions , rising from the clay into which they had , long since , dissolved … .
27 In theory the whole of the extra cost to the innocent partners could be recouped from the individual responsible for the negligence , but in practice in most firms this would be regarded phlegmatically as just another expense of the business to be shared by all .
28 History could be dropped from the national curriculum because of " all the ink being spilled " over how it should be taught , 18 eminent historians claimed yesterday …
29 Several Test teams could be commissioned from the combined ranks over the years , Garry Sobers rising supreme .
30 We will call inferences of this type bridging inferences in order to distinguish them from all the possible inferences which could be drawn from a particular sentence .
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