Example sentences of "could be [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Carried to their logical conclusion his theories meant that ( if he were right ) the attaque à outrance could be broken by a well-organised defence long before it reached the enemy .
2 By experimenting with the duration of incubation they found that fusion occurred after only a few hours , and that viable hybrids could be grown in a liquid culture medium containing glucose , monosodium glutamate , a mixture of vitamins , sodium chloride and extracts of Raphanus brassica ( common mustard ) .
3 But it argues ministers should hesitate before going further with the publication of information that could be misused in the same way as it says occurred with published exam results .
4 However , only fishing vessels fulfilling the conditions laid down in section 14 of the Act of 1988 could be registered in the new register .
5 They also show that several very different types of scale could be borne by the same animal , including some complex scales immediately surrounding the gill openings .
6 These could be hung from a decorative pole , perhaps set well above and extending beyond the sides of the door , to enable the curtains to be drawn well back .
7 Chain , which was introduced in 1811 , could be stowed in a small damp locker and so it can almost be said that chain cleared the space needed below for engines and coal bunkers .
8 The dog had a metallic collar which could be traced by a hand-held detector , operated by the men on the surface .
9 However , that agenda did have the advantage that it could be developed on an evolutionary basis , and that further innovations could be incorporated without major upheaval .
10 There are areas , however , where forestry could be developed on an integrated basis with agriculture .
11 Whilst we did consider that this site could be developed with a single storey dwelling without seriously affecting the amenities of the village , we were not aware of the strength of local feeling against any development on this site .
12 Research in health outcomes is in its infancy in primary care , but there is an emerging consensus that measures could be developed for the common chronic diseases of asthma , diabetes , and hypertension .
13 A framework for justifying such transformations in the power structure of the company could be developed from the available set of legal ideas .
14 There was A1 , in at the birth pangs of the British weapon , where the plutonium was heated in the furnaces so that it could be shaped into the melon-sized spheres for the inner workings of the warheads , and it was no secret amongst the Establishment staff that a dozen years earlier cancers had been rampant amongst the technicians .
15 There were new arts by now , shared dreams that could be shaped by the skilled .
16 It was Pappus , one of the great mathematicians of Alexandria in the fourth century AD , who recognised that space could be filled by a moving point .
17 Adequate warning was required as to when courses were to take place so that farm work could be planned around the appointed date .
18 They were alarmed that the continuing growth in the number of foreign tourists could be jeopardised by an isolated serious incident .
19 Through astrology one could be forewarned of the exact time of his coming .
20 From this nucleus , royal territory was in the future to expand to the point at which , in 1239 , the whole county could be annexed to the royal demesne .
21 THE region could be faced with a large number of knock-on job losses if American Airlines pulls the plug on its loss-making Stansted to Chicago route .
22 If practices quit the health service many patients could be faced with a staggering increase in costs .
23 Obviously this idea has to be thought out in advance , and if your friend or family move during the winter then you could be faced with a big problem in trying to gather enough material to make an attractive and interesting picture .
24 Some commentators suggest that the power deters supporters from rebellion since they would be reluctant to create a situation in which they could be faced with an arduous election campaign that could jeopardise their seats .
25 Rather more serious , if you buy a new home before selling your existing one , you could be faced by a bridging loan problem , which with continuing high interest rates could soon eat into any profits you hope to realise on the exchange .
26 It had been the great achievement of the geologists to explain how , given enough time , the operation of exactly the same forces visible today could explain the enormous variety of what could be observed on the inanimate earth , past and present .
27 The use of simulation allows the observation of many possible stream patterns , far more than could be observed in the real world .
28 preferred to play safe and order bodies which could be transferred to a narrow gauge system if the standard gauge system for which they were ordered proved a failure .
29 By 1983 these services accounted for almost £I billion of the annual budget and any savings made there could be transferred to the main activity of treating patients .
30 This was reinforced by the tendency of national governments not to handle unpopular decisions if they could be transferred to the High Authority for action .
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