Example sentences of "its [noun pl] and [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ( manager ) has particular responsibilities for handling the financial affairs of the HCIMA , and its investments and acting upon the decisions of Council as they affect the finances of the HCIMA .
2 With the development of machinery , the mass produced object intended to disguise its origins and look like the product of hand labour has become well established .
3 What matters is access to Japan 's markets ; America would be content if Japan increased its imports and exports by the same amount ( leaving the trade balance , and the associated accounting identities , undisturbed ) .
4 The punctured door was carried from its hinges and borne into the room .
5 The door slammed back on its hinges and thudded into the wall .
6 It flew back on its hinges and crashed against the wall with an almighty bang .
7 But as he spoke the figure jumped to its feet and ran to the edge of the shelf .
8 Mathematics is becoming increasingly important in its applications and uses in the modern world .
9 George Bower first examined its possibilities and lowered from the top to a distinctive ledge beneath the steepest section .
10 Though controlled in part by international agreement , the industry overfished its stocks and declined during the 1950s and 1960s .
11 This effectively prevents water-loss by evaporation through the skin , though the animal must doubtless lose some moisture by breathing , which it is able to do through tiny tubes attached to its nostrils and opening through the membrane .
12 As I have said , I shall consider each application on its merits and according to the criteria .
13 It 's worth recording that alongside NRA 's regular monitoring of ICI 's ‘ consent ’ discharges , ICI itself carries out nearly two thousand analyses each month on contents from its outfalls and drains from the three Teesside production sites .
14 Many of the country 's senior religious leaders sat at one time or other in the shade of its trees and listened to the Ayatollah Khomeini 's lectures on the intricacies of Islamic law .
15 No , with a shake and shudder the privet bird lifted its proud head , spread its wings and soared into the air like a beautiful green aeroplane .
16 Originally , in early Republican Rome , imperium meant that power exercised over individuals by officers of the state and that power was specific in its limits and granted by the people .
17 The forum completed its consultations and reported in the Summer of 1984 .
18 It would have been physically and economically impossible for the whole of Africa , for example , to twist and turn its way out of the straitjacket that colonialism imposed upon its economies and industrialize to the point where it could compete effectively on the world market in the space of 10 years .
19 Far more dramatic than his 1625 Cavendish monument at Edensor , here he has Denham resembling a semi-nude Donne , for the top-knotted winding-sheet has lost its pins and slipped off the body as his reinvigorated corpse steps out of a coffin , his left hand raised as if to shield his eyes from the brilliance of the Second Coming .
20 When it does decide to rouse from its slumbers and join in the fun , it has a flair for the unexpected .
21 It is now a grand little farmhouse forming part of a courtyard together with its outbuildings and set against the prevailing wind from the northwest .
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