Example sentences of "its [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its hillside position is exceptional and its views of the surrounding countryside entrancing , but it is best known among Italians as the place gentle Saint Francis is said to have tamed a mean , ferocious wolf which had been terrorising locals .
2 The government can make its value judgements about distribution or equality and can pursue its views about the desirable degree of vertical equity without impairing the efficient functioning of a free market economy .
3 This continued to operate in the Treasury though no attempt was made to coordinate its activities with the Economic Section of the Cabinet Office which was responsible for the Economic Survey .
4 I think the government should slow down on all its activities at the present time and concentrate on getting the economy right , and everything else put on the back burner .
5 In the light of reports about its activities in the recent past , our organisation , complementing the initiatives of leading personalities of the Mass Democratic Movement , tried to use its influence to bring about the disbanding of the group .
6 After ten months of pressure from environmental groups , British Gas has released selected details of an internal report on its activities in the tropical rainforest of Ecuador .
7 In a move to expand and diversify its activities within the Spanish mainland , Sotheby 's Holdings Inc. has purchased the Madrid auction house Edmund Peel and Asociados , with whom they have had a long-term business association .
8 Thus , the Cambridge Board had secured resources to begin the development of its policies for the regional provision of adult education prior to the introduction of the 1932 Regulations .
9 Government was a major actor through its policies in the public sector , periodic controls on prices and incomes , legislation on industrial relations , policies for regional aid , and the location of firms and trade .
10 The blue vein in Davide 's temple beside the scar where the bullet had entered throbbed and swelled to give warning when one of his bone crunchers was on its way ; lying quietly stretched out in the shuttered bedroom of their apartment , he was able to defend himself , as it readied to pounce , testing its grip on his nerves as a cat tests its claws on the obliging furniture ; he could slip under the velvet cloth of numb unconsciousness , without plunging his family into squalor and even starvation and illness as he had risked doing-as he had done — on Crosby Street near the Bend in Little Italy .
11 He also stated that his government would confine its discussions with the federal government to matters of immigration , communications and labour , and would maintain bilateral relations with individual provinces on issues of mutual concern .
12 The company produced 211,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide in 1991 , although it was unable to compare its emissions with the previous year .
13 On 7 August 1936 the NAC put its proposals to the Labour Party , the Communist Party and the Co-operative Party , but received no support .
14 In their evidence to the Social Services Committee on the Griffiths Report , Evans and Maxwell concluded that its most far-reaching and radical aspects were its proposals for the central management of the service , with its promise of a new relationship between the DHSS and local health authorities and the change from passive to active management ( Evans and Maxwell 1984 ) .
15 The Howie Committee has recommended that a number of occupational areas should be developed under its proposals for the new SCOTCERT award ( see page 4 ) .
16 The commission promises that its proposals under the social chapter will be squeaky-clean in their impact on jobs .
17 It is important , however , not to read into this recommendation more than was intended for , as will become clear , it was never the intention of either the Wolfenden Committee or those who were eventually successful in their campaign to incorporate the majority of its proposals in the criminal law , to remove the stigma from homosexuality .
18 More will be said of its proposals in the next chapter on the houses of the great , but , as a sample of Pugin 's diagnosis , the small print of his satiric illustration , ‘ dedicated , without permission , to THE TRADE ’ , repays examination ( Fig. 9 ) .
19 For example , Article 3 of the Agreement on Social Policy provides a legal basis for the consultation of management and labour at the Community level by the Commission before ii submits its proposals in the social policy field .
20 Mr Adamec had asked the Forum for its proposals concerning the new government .
21 But although the Criminal Law Revision Committee has declared its support for the present age of consent , its proposals concerning the mental element in sections 5 and 6 can serve only to undermine it .
22 Sir Peter Holmes , Shell 's chairman who admitted that he was ‘ astonished ’ to discover that the irregularities had occurred through an associate company failing to follow strict rules against speculative dealing , said that he expected any further exposure to be limited to a £65 million charge which the company would take in its accounts for the first quarter of 1993 .
23 Acer America Corporation , which really wants to be a player in the reconstituted ‘ minicomputer ’ market , will be busy this week shoring up its defences at the low end .
24 Last week Morocco claimed it had killed or wounded 80 Polisario guerrillas and had lost 14 soldiers , including a colonel , when Polisario attacked its defences near the Mauritanian border .
25 After considering the broad characteristics of the style concerned , each book goes on to discuss its manifestations in the architectural shell , followed by chapters on technical aspects such as fixtures and fittings , joinery , plasterwork , colours and coverings .
26 On top of that , regulators are changing the rules of the game almost every week : in the latest move , on January 23rd , America decided to relax its rules on the foreign ownership of its airlines .
27 The company , which has been beset by overwhelming demand for its budget lines , says that it expects to balance supply with demand for most of its products during the current quarter — although it shipped more than twice the number of machines in fourth quarter 1992 as it did in the 1991 period , the backlog has continued into the current quarter .
28 Meanwhile , Iomega has enhanced its products to the same drive to work with Unix , Apple Macintosh and personal computers machines , has also made its drives work with the NeXT Inc and Silicon Graphic Inc 's boxes via interfaces .
29 French software house , Softeam SA , Montigny is putting its products on the American market : Objecteering is a CASE tool that automatically generates C++ applications from the company 's Class Relation object-oriented model .
30 Middlesbrough Council is distributing 2,000 leaflets telling the ‘ real facts ’ about its plans for the floodlit development on Clairville Common .
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