Example sentences of "some [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , however , the book 's value as a work of reference is somewhat undermined by errors , some apparently hinting at a lack of background knowledge , while other statements are contradicted by the sources cited : e.g. John Graham , Lord Kilpont becomes John Stewart , Lord Kinpont — a gentleman otherwise unknown to history ; Balcarre 's and Barclay 's regiments of horse are confused ; Sir James Scott of Rossie becomes Sir James Scott of Rosyth ; and variant spellings of proper names abound .
2 Some always go for a drink at the pub with their friends on Friday nights , some always go to Bingo on Thursday nights , and so on .
3 We also need some more work on the wrist and other p arts of the body involved in swinging the club .
4 The crews were split up by branches and areas , and whilst some nonchalantly lolled against the boom others were learning the intricacies of gybing , tacking , hoisting the sails , cleating the halliards , winching the sheets and playing the mainsail .
5 Some now come with the option of automatic transmission , and a small number are even available with air conditioning — previously the exclusive domain of the ultimate petrol-engined executive express .
6 The fervour has become so great that some now argue for a tightening of the Obscene Publications Act .
7 Some strongly objected to the possibility of taking on a full grandparental role .
8 In the early days , both in the United States and in Africa , some even hunted from the railway carriages themselves , but very soon the game was being driven further and further from the railway lines .
9 It was half-term for schools and local children were much in evidence at the opening ; some even queued for the chairman 's autograph !
10 Some simply washed in the pool of water meant for each eagle , dipping their heads and wings in and letting the water run down their backs .
11 However , Wainwright offered stubborn resistance , and responded with some hard hitting from the baseline to level the score at 6–6 .
12 And then you see they when the crafty was by they used to set out the next day , some maybe taken for the West Mainland and some taken for and some were .
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