Example sentences of "some [noun pl] it be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 In general the quality of discussion and level of participation were highly praised but in some cases it was thought that staff , who were unfamiliar with validation , were unsure of their role in the event .
2 It was commonly held that the first lord to whom he had sworn fealty had the first call on his service ; but in some cases it was held that the richest fief gave the vassal his strongest obligation ; or again , that it depended on the circumstances , on which lord had the greatest need — a lord must be helped if he was fighting in self-defence , but his claim was less if he was fighting in someone else 's defence ; or the vassal might be expected to fight on both sides , that is to say , to provide troops for both armies .
3 In some cases it was reported that Albanian frontier guards had opened fire on the refugees and that some had been killed .
4 In some areas it was acknowledged that these plots contributed substantially to the food supply .
5 In some areas it was reported that large numbers of troops had ben deployed to restore order .
6 The opinions of staff and governors were sought and although there were some reservations it was decided that a questionnaire should be distributed to parents .
7 In some quarters it was suggested that the best solution would be to set up a government of ‘ national trustees ’ , headed by McKenna , who had deserted politics for banking and had not sat in ; Parliament since 1918 .
8 Nonetheless it remains true that the most common explanation of large numbers of unrecovered hoards is warfare , though in some instances it is believed that economic factors also played a part ; in the latter cases a currency or political reform is thought to have rendered the coins worthless and hence the owners would not have bothered to recover them .
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