Example sentences of "some [noun pl] have [vb pp] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Some researchers have attempted to capture the core meaning of words by decomposing them into a small set of ’ building blocks ’ known as semantic primitives [ Wilks 1973 ] .
2 Some nations have continued to use the IMF facilities , despite the success of the Euro-currency market in providing large-scale finance .
3 Although it will probably never be a picture postcard village , during the last two or three years some farmers have started to replace the hedges that were removed a generation ago , and to plant trees , so perhaps in years to come the parish will again look something like the pictures of it in days gone by , less bleak and windswept than it does today .
4 The president is not free to choose , to start wars wherever he feels like it , the president is not free to make agreements with any country he feels like making it with and some presidents have had to learn the hard way .
5 In an effort to improve on this state of affairs , some museums have tried to regale the visitor with assorted snippets of information in ordinary English .
6 Some sociologists have tried to describe the general features of ‘ industrial society ’ or even ‘ modern society ’ , arguing that ‘ industry ’ imposes a special pattern on society and social institutions .
7 But above all , some feminists have dared to question the monolithic status of language itself , its claims to neutrality and to absolute truth .
8 While some publishers have attempted to counter the decline in print runs for first time publications by pushing titles into paperback others have been looking for ways to revitalise their hardback sales .
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