Example sentences of "some [noun sg] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is then more important than ever to include some topsoil to introduce the essential bacteria .
2 And surely there must be fuel of some kind to feed the great furnaces , and surely there would have to be a store-place .
3 There is now some provision to meet the extra costs of the disability itself .
4 Before this can be done , agency and client may agree to do some research to assess the likely consumer reaction to the commercial and to iron out any problems ( see Chapter 9 ) .
5 We are conducting some research to establish the full range of reasons why that is so .
6 … it would be unwise to introduce a prohibition on insider trading before some attempt to prognosticate the economic repercussions of such a prohibition has been made .
7 ‘ What we have in mind ’ he said ‘ is some panelling to cover the raised floor of the bell tower and some windows about that to give visual contact between the bell ringers and the vicar . ’
8 A drawback to this plan was the weather — that is to say , several large puddles and patches of mud were in evidence — and the fact that one would need to return to the billiard room again at some point to bolt the french windows from the inside .
9 For a syntactic analyser it is necessary that the words be given some identifier to show the grammatical category of the word .
10 There is still a widespread superstition among surfers that , in accordance with ancient Hawaiian tradition , you have to make some sacrifice to placate the bloodthirsty gods of the ocean .
11 There is already some movement to strengthen the digital option for schools .
12 In the mid-1960s , when these arguments were much canvassed , there was some pressure to abolish the whole system of juvenile courts and to rely instead on family councils and family courts .
13 Now he felt his brain slowly expanding , the noise and sunshine seemed to have entered his skull , and he badly wanted some food to settle the turbid churning of his feelings .
14 It may take some perseverance to get the appropriate files brought out of store , but it is well worthwhile .
15 Such a ridiculous sample will go some length to explain the pronounced swings supposedly occurring in the run-up period .
16 The Production Office laboured at some length to find the right name for the character .
17 The massive tax increases that lie ahead should go some way to reassure the financial markets that he is determined to redress a recessionary budget deficit now projected to run at £50 billion — £1 billion a week — in the current year .
18 In a remarkable letter which he wrote in nineteen-eighteen , he said , ‘ I must , before I die , find some way to say the essential thing that is in me , that I have never said yet , a thing that is not love , or hate , or pity , or scorn , but the very breath of life , fierce and coming from far away , bringing into human life the vastness and the fearful passionless force of non-human things . ’
19 It 's the one room that has in some way to accommodate the changing interests of all members of the family ; it 's also the room that is most on show , the room where your guests stay the longest .
20 These figures , perhaps , go some way to dispute the widely-expressed view that Pipe is the greatest jump trainer in racing history .
21 Show some ability to judge the appropriate length for a given task .
22 Again , computer models ( incorporating knowledge gained from previous dams ) can be used to some extent to predict the likely effects of future projects .
23 In the last two chapters we took some time to reach the chosen texts .
24 It took her some time to unfasten the stiff buttons .
25 It took me some time to put the fantastic story of the Gauguin inheritance behind me — not out of my mind , but to the back of it , not only because I wondered if they might deteriorate , but also at the bizarre irony of a family sitting on a fortune which they refused to touch .
26 This group has long been noted for its breadth of vision but nevertheless it took them some time to realise the unique advantages of the photosynthetic ‘ mechanisms ’ in plants and thereby to derive what may be an original approach to the problem .
27 It then took some time to raise the heavy engine and cut the rope from the propeller , but I finally managed it before drifting ashore .
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