Example sentences of "some [noun] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , some attempts to adapt the National Curriculum to meet the needs of children who experience difficulties in learning render the system even more rigid .
2 Fourth , I will describe how the organisation of the curriculum into arbitrary hierarchies is compounded by some attempts to make the National Curriculum accessible to all pupils .
3 Some Guardians pursued the new policy more vigorously than others .
4 In 1870 the PLB had also , rather grudgingly , allowed some Guardians to adopt the Scottish practice of ‘ boarding out ’ ( fostering , in modern terms ) pauper children with working-class families , sometimes their own relatives .
5 Some institutions incorporate the Legal Practice Course into the degree — information about these is available from the Law Society .
6 He lifted the chromium-plated playing arm and with some difficulty replaced the worn needle with a fresh sliver of sharpened steel from a tiny tin .
7 I have some difficulty understanding the hon. Lady 's objections to this policy .
8 Then about 420 million years ago , some forms developed a waxy covering , a cuticle , which warded off desiccation .
9 Some experts advise a maximum dose of 350–500 mg per day , but according to others , a dose of 250 mg a day is potentially toxic .
10 It was ensured primarily through the ‘ building tender ’ system : Some prisoners had a special status , half-recognized officially , derived from their job of ‘ tending the building ’ ( hence the name ) , that is , to make sure that the cell blocks were kept clean .
11 This has become something of an art form , with some prisoners acquiring an enviable reputation for transforming prison fare into spicy and original ethnic dishes .
12 For extra protection , some products contain a protective sunscreen plus Vitamin E to enrich and condition your skin .
13 Some groups appreciate a formal input in lecture form but other methods may be used e.g. asking participants to reflect on language they would need when holidaying or living in a country such as Greece or China , and then drawing out the theory from the discussion .
14 Some artists prefer the springy sensitivity of an open canvas whilst others prefer the hardness or smoothness of a board .
15 Some artists prefer the springy sensitivity of an open canvas whilst others prefer the hardness or smoothness of a board .
16 As noted in an earlier chapter , some DCSLs negotiated a broader role than did others , but we were impressed with the clarity and economy of their expositions to school staff .
17 At first , it appeared an anachronism for BR to go to a council and say , ‘ please give us some money to build a new station ’ or , ‘ we need a subsidy to keep this service going ’ .
18 This flexibility extends to the choice of degree and it is possible in some cases to delay the final decision until the end of the third year .
19 As regards degree courses themselves , some are broader than others , and in effect provide a foundation for subsequent specialized postgraduate education or training ; indeed , it may be more accurate in some cases to see the whole process as a four-year not three-year one , consisting of three foundation years followed by a specialized professional post-graduate year .
20 But the downside is that Pinatubo — which had been dormant for 600 years — may have been the reason we have all been reaching for our brollies and in some cases sandbagging the front door over the past few weeks .
21 But the ‘ stem ’ tapers out to a point , and in some cases had a whip-like flexibility ; the same structure has been interpreted as a ‘ tail ’ .
22 It may be necessary in some cases to clean the protective quartz sleeve around the U/V/ light .
23 The intended victim of sorcery could take counter-measures by appealing to a supernatural being , and these counter-measures could in some cases transfer the intended harm to the person who had initiated it .
24 However it is possible in some cases to obtain a broad indication for 1985 of the contrast between firms with over 1000 and those with less than 100 employees although the data is for manufacturing industry rather than all employees .
25 Some cultures permit a reciprocal hug to signal welcome on arrival , and again on departure to signal appreciation of the visit .
26 Some researchers noted a consistent relationship between the mean length of utterance of the adult 's speech and that of the child so that , during development , the adult is invariably using slightly longer utterances than the child .
27 The mechanism for this is not clear and leads some researchers to accept the physiological view that delayed maturation or physical differences ( such as reduced functional bladder capacity ) may be the cause of the problem ( Zaleski et al .
28 Some mines operated a two-shift system , others had three shifts .
29 Some authorities give the misleading impression that they alone have the absolute right to deliver certain services to the public .
30 Some subjects received a novel odour at this stage , others the pre-exposed odour .
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